OTA/Manual update failed

did you put everything back to stock?

No, i would like too, i have it rooted and with bootstrap. How can i go completely stock again? ...im guessing sbf? but im not sure.... can i do factory reset?
Used psouzas way it was alot better and simple,

read the exact instructions,I had tried all night then came across this and heck done it quick,it worked best for me to not plug phone in to flash till I had hit the button,after you read you will know what im talking about,If I had a server i could post but just go here and read and it will go smooth,be sure and save the files in the empty folder like it says
I dont see any instructions, it just says what to download. Im pretty familar with RSDlite, but im not sure what to do. I used RSDlite on the d1, but these arent sbf files...they're xml

EDIT: So i was making it harder than it really was... got it and im good, the only complaint i have is the "android.contacts" force closes alot. I usually call someone straight from a message (click on the picture than click the phone button) and it force closed, then i tried it in contacts, still forced closed, then in the actual dialer, still force closed. Its working now, but it still does it sometimes...
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