Otter Box


New Member
Dec 18, 2011
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I have just recently bought the "Otter Box" case for my Droid X2 from verizon for $30. The case fits the phone snug and it is very protective. i have did some test on it, for example I drop it's sreen and nothen happend because the case has raised edges to protect it from scratching or potencially breaking. Alos i droped it on the cornors and all was fine. After all that the otter box didn't have a scratch on it. Over all the otter box is a worthy case of buying, it might at a little more bulk then you might like but it has a nice feel to it. i would highly recomend this case because it is probley the best and strongest case out there.

(Ps this is my first thread/review)dancedroid
Great first thread! :) I also recommend the Otterbox, man ohhh man have I ruined some phones cause I didn’t ever want to buy a case. After I got the DX2 I decided to just give in, I unfortunately drop my phone more often then I should lol but the otter box case holds up great. The only thing about the bulk is I can feel it in my pocket but it’s no biggie because they also have a holster case which I later switched droid