Peppermint Twist

It is super sweet. I do have a couple of questions and I am putting them here in case someone else has the same questions then this becomes the one stop answer. ;)

In your screen shots you show a themed keyboard that looks like its in messaging. Is that only with the 2.4 version?? I am still on 2.3 and will probably stay there for a while until the bugs are worked out of 2.4 but my keyboard is not themed. Not sure what happened.

Also yesterday while I was uploading the new link you sent me Pandora updated and I lost the theme. Is there anyway of resending the Pandora part or do I just deal with it? If it is easier I can just deal with it cuz I really do not use Pandora just had the widget up on my screen because it was cute.

Thanks bunches for your hard work. I really like this holiday theme.


For Pandora go to settings/applications/all/pandora/uninstall updates. Lemme know if that works for ya?

The keyboard did not work for 2.3.0 themed rom that I made. Sorry

That fixed it !!! Thank you maam. Don't let Cakes pick on you!!! We all know how long and hard you worked on this to get it running so smooth. Its really nice and you should be proud of yourself. But now what are you going to do to outdo this theme for other holidays or just to have...... :p


Ohhh NOOOOOOOOOOO! Christmas is the biggie! But yes will be doing more. Unless ends up as hard as this was. In that case will quit while I'm ahead!

Cakes is just bein' a smarty pants! She helped me out big time! Would have never been released if not for her! dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid
Hi Ladyangler. Is it at least possible to get a few of those icons and maybe an apk for pandora. At least I'll be able to make it look festive.

Are you using UD 2.3? If so, and if LA doesn't mind of course, I can send you the themed apps in an Can also find the status bar icons in the framework.
Hi Ladyangler. Is it at least possible to get a few of those icons and maybe an apk for pandora. At least I'll be able to make it look festive.

Are you using UD 2.3? If so, and if LA doesn't mind of course, I can send you the themed apps in an Can also find the status bar icons in the framework.

That would be a big help Tsip! Ur the best! Thank you!dancedroid

I want everybody happy for Christmas!
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Ok...just kidding. I created the file, but for some reason it won't allow me to upload the file to attach it here. Don't know why 'cause I tested some of my other update files and it let me upload me if you want some of these themed apps and I can email them over.
Downloaded via chrome instead of firefox and worked. It looks great!!! Very nice job!
im really liking it except im using ud2.4 and the notification bar is still setup the way i had it with my last theme as far as colors go. the icons changed but mine is still purple instead of the candycane look stripe like the screenshots show. also, how do i get that same dock background on LP? im waiting for the themed handcent! keep us updated on that!
Cmack, to change the notification bar, go to UD settings, user interface, notifications. Scroll down and uncheck custom notification bar. To change the dock, go to menu, preferences, home screen, dock. Just test them all. Not sure which one LA is using. I select none and it looks pretty sweet.

Sent from the reincarnated President of the Republic of Texas
seriously?? I can't even keep up anymore. Seemd that UD was always slow to update, now there flying out!!!
Yeah BlackDroid posted on facebook and twitter that there will not be a nightly tonight because 2.5.0 is being released tomorrow. It is going to get to the point that nobody is going to want to theme his ROMs because he is constantly updating them now.
im really liking it except im using ud2.4 and the notification bar is still setup the way i had it with my last theme as far as colors go. the icons changed but mine is still purple instead of the candycane look stripe like the screenshots show. also, how do i get that same dock background on LP? im waiting for the themed handcent! keep us updated on that!

I'm trying to work on handcent, LOL. If everything would just quit updating that would help :icon_eek:. Thank you Tsip for helping meeeeeee's keeps up, lol.

2.5.0 Drops tomorrow so you better get crackin' Lady. LOL.:)

Ima beat you with a stick, Robbie! ROFLMAO! OMG!:icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:
I updated gmail today, tho:lifting:

Going to put up a new link tonite with all my updates. Power widget is green glass now too. Looks slick!
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Oooohhhhh Yeah MaMa beat me with a stick. I like that. Just make sure you are wearing leather while you do it.:icon_ banana::icon_eek::icon_ banana: