Phone display not turning on during use


New Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Ive had my Droid 3 for almost three months. On several occasions when I am using the phone, the display has not come back on when I take it away from my ear so that I can see the buttons (ie to hang up or to enter my password for voicemail, etc)

The phone is working during this time, I can hear clearly everything on the other end, but nothing I do turns the display back on. My screen/phone is kept clean so there is nothing obstructing what I assume is the light sensor on the front that controls the screen dimming.

Anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions?
Sounds like maybe a proximity sensor issue to me. There is an app called "sensor test" that shows the status of each of the sensors on your phone. The values for the proximity sensor should change when you put your finger over it and then remove it. If the values don't change, then your proximity sensor may be messed up. I had this happen with my first D1, and just exchanged it for a new one under warranty.
Thanks for the suggestion. I d/l the sensor test. Under the LIGHT section, the 0 value changes on its own in the range of 94-106 if I just sit the phone down (and stops if I put my finger over the sensor) but the 1 & 2 values just stay at 0.0 each.

Under the PROXIMITY section, the 0 value says 100 and changes to 3 when I put my finger over the sensor. Again, the 1 & 2 values just stay at 0.0 each.

Does this sound normal? Or are the 1 & 2 values supposed to be changing on them also?

(The other three sections - orientation, accelerometer and magnetic - are all over the place)

Thanks again