Phone thinks it's Bluetooth connected after headphones are unplugged


New Member
Jan 18, 2018
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Current Phone Model
Huawei Nexus 6P
This problem started after I started using Bluetooth headphones regularly.

Here's the deal.
I had Bluetooth headphones connected.
Now I disconnect and turn Bluetooth completely off.
At this point I can play audio over my phone speakers fine with no problem.
Now I plug in my regular headphones through the headphone jack. Sound is still fine.

If I unplug the headphones now, the phone magically thinks the audio is supposed to come from a Bluetooth device and shows me the +/-audiobar with the little Bluetooth symbol on the lower corner even though Bluetooth is still turned off on my phone.
I have no loudspeaker sound and can't disconnect the fake Bluetooth unless I connect a real Bluetooth device to my phone and disconnect it again. I could use normal headphones again though, but after I unplug them it's the same thing again.

I doubt there's an easier fix than what I described or restarting the phone, but maybe someone knows what the problem is.
Thanks in advance.
Hello @kanni & welcome to the Forum! What phone are you currently using? Your profile states a Nexus 6P, is that still your current phone? I am not personally familiar with that specific issue, but hopefully one of our Forum members has some advice or thoughts.
Hello @kanni & welcome to the Forum! What phone are you currently using? Your profile states a Nexus 6P, is that still your current phone? I am not personally familiar with that specific issue, but hopefully one of our Forum members has some advice or thoughts.

Yes my current phone is my Nexus 6P. Also I realized that this problem only occurs when I put my phone audio on silent before connecting to Bluetooth audio.
you should be able to go into settings and turn off bluetooth.

My Bluetooth is already completely turned off at this point. Turning it on and off again (without connecting a Bluetooth device) doesn't make the Bluetooth +/-audio indicator turn normal either.
my only other suggestion would be to delete the system cache. it tends to fix a lot of issues including some bluetooth.

How to clear the cache on the Nexus 6P - AndroidPIT

Thanks for the tip. Do you think it's worth the hassle if the problem is only a minor annoyance or is it better to not mess with the system cache even if it's a possible simple fix? Or could resetting the cache generally benefit me?
system cache is no different than the temporary file folder on your computer. deleting the files will not affect any settings you have. It is something simple and IMO, something you should try. It may or may not work but it will help with the phones overall performance.

see the following for more info.
What Is Cached Data And How To Clear It? | Technobezz
Probably you can try to turn off and turn on your bluetooth after your hedaphones are being turned on