Phone won't charge


May 13, 2011
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I began noticing this problem last night before bed. I was playing around on my phone and although it was hooked up to the charger and everyting indicated it was charging (the charging LED was on, the battery icon animation was going, and my battstatt widget status was "charging), the battery percentage only kept decreasing. When I woke up this morning, it was dead, and no matter how long I kept it on the charger, the battery LED would flash, but it would not charge. Thinking it was a battery issue, I took it to the Verizon store and got a replacement under warranty. Well, long story short, I'm still having this problem. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or may I have to restore my handset to stock and send it back to Verizon to have it replaced under warranty?

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If you have a task killer uninstall...... It helped me.

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I'm pretty sure that's not the issue. This issue persisted even when I did a factory reset on my phone. It seems like this is a hardware issue.

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Get another phone..... If you did a factory reset and still does it..... It's either the phone or the charger.

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Sounds like a broken usb port. Common problem on the dinc2 it appears. Same thing happened to me. I was able to hold the usb cord "just right" long enough for my computer to recognize it so i could unroot and warranty exchange.
I was having the same problem. It started yesterday. Went to VZW store last night and even got a new battery thinking that was the problem. It still would not hold a charge. Called VZW customer support this morning and they are sending me another phone. Glad it happened now and not next month. i was only 3 weeks away from being out of warranty.
Had to buy a new battery last week. That seems to have solved my problem but now my sync option is'nt working when I connect to my laptop. It says "HTC drivers not installed".....WTF?
This happened to me too. It's an issue with the phone itself where the current can't run from the charge port to the battery, and you'll need to get a replacement phone. Usually what they do is send you the replacement and you transfer your battery/SD card/etc and send the old phone back to them. The most you should have to pay if you're still under warranty is shipping charges if you want it overnighted.
Have you tried a different charging cable? I was having similar issues with my phone a few months back and it was a a contact on the charging cable. There are 2 teeth and one of them was bad, Verizon store just gave me another cable.
I have just started having this problem today. I recently rooted my phone maybe a little over a month ago and everything was running perfectly fine. I let my phone get down to 4% last night (which i have never done). When i got home i charged it to about 30% on my computer. (no problems while charging) Then, in the morning i charged it and it took forever to charge to about 50%. I realized that the cable didn't stay in very well but it was still somewhat charging. Now, just about a couple hours ago it has completely stopped charging the phone. It says it is charging but it isn't. Is this the same problem you had? Do i have to unroot and then do the warranty? Would rather not, maybe flash a different rom?
Last night I went to bed with about 15% of battery left, woke up to 70% and now it won't go past that. I've noticed over the past week that its had trouble charging, I would have to switch outlets, plug it into USB, and eventually one of those would work and charge it. Anyone know what could causing this?
Have you checked for dirt inside the charge port of the phone? Do you have an external charger for the battery? I normally only use an external charger to bring a battery back to life. If the battery is at end of life at least its replaceable.
If battery level is indicating 70% and stopping, it is usually the meter falling out of sync with the battery and giving false readings. Batteries don't just stop charging at 70%. They will absorb power at a fast rate until they are full, then absorb very little in a trickle. Lithium Ion batteries must be disconnected from the charger once full or they will overcharge and become unstable. It's the charging and meter circuits that make that determination.

I'd the charger cuts of early, it's because the meter is telling it the battery is fully charged. This is a safety protection feature.

To resolve usually requires powering off the phone completely and charging it to 100% with power off. Once fully charged, power on and run down to 10%. Then power off charge to 100% again and from there, you should be fine.

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