Pop e-mail via Wi-Fi ?

Anyone? Let me try this...has anyone successfully used POP/SMTP e-mail via WiFi?
Well, to answer that basic question... Yes.

I have accounts at four different ISPs (don't ask). One is an Exchange server, one is IMAP, and the other two are POP3+SMTP. Three of them worked fine via the built-in auto-configuration and the other one required some tweaking (not wifi related) to get it to work at all. I just ran a quick check and all four work work fine via my house WiFi and 3G.

The WiFi router I use is a NetGear Rangemax G and I haven't had to make any special adjustments to make it work with my Eris.
Now to figure out how to turn off the buzz/vibration that happens every time you press near anything.
Home > Menu > Settings > Locale & text > Touch Input > Text input > Vibrate when typing. Remove that check mark and the "Haptic feedback" (vibrating feedback) will stop for everything except the four permanent touch buttons at the bottom of the screen and when you long-press on an icon on one of the home screens. (Sorry, haven't figured out how to turn those off yet. :))
chrissjett - Glad to hear you got yours working. I also tried that port (as per the suggestion of my ISP provider), but unfortunately, that did not work for me.

Jolest - I'm afraid I will ask! Is by chance any one of your ISP providers Time Warner Road Runner?

I've also posed this question to another group, and it has been suggested that it is the ISP blocking it as a anti-spam measure, whereby they might require some sort of authentication. I'm going to call them back and ask.

It's looking like this problem is specific to just Road Runner accounts. So far, it has not really been a big deal because I've been in regions of good 3G coverages (where it works fine). But if I'm somewhere that I can only get WiFi and no 3G, it will obviously be an issue.
Setting up POP/SMTP on the Verizon Eris Droid

It could have something to do with the ISP Anti-Spam. High Speed Internet mail servers do not allow email relaying because spammers frequently use HSI servers to send bulk mail. Time Warner Road Runner could be seeing the Droid as if you were connecting to your email through another ISP.​

Double check the SMPT server name. The Droid may be changing the server name. I had to re-enter the server name several times before it was accepted. Let us know if you find the problem and/or solution.​
Jolest - I'm afraid I will ask! Is by chance any one of your ISP providers Time Warner Road Runner?
Nope. Sorry.
No apologies necessary! That helps narrow it down to a Road Runner problem. At least to me, it does. It's the kind of feedback I was initially looking for.

Server names are all OK, as are port numbers.

My home WiFi network is tied to my own ISP, so I should think if it would work anywhere, it would at least work in my home!

I also really feel it is a problem at my ISP's end. All the feedback I'm getting, and symptoms I'm experiencing point to that. I received a feedback e-mail from them, so I will point them to these forums. Maybe it will give them some clues.
There are a number of forums talking about this issue - it's quite widespread. For the few people that actually do have email working in WiFi, it sounds like a rare occurrence.

For me, everything works great in 3G. When I switch over to WiFi, I lose ALL messaging and email ability. Text messaging stops. Sending and Receiving email stops. I get Username/Password mismatch errors.

Quite annoying since when I get into certain places in my basement, I lose the data network altogether. If messaging and email worked in WiFi I'd leave it on and let them auto-negotiate. Instead, I have to manually switch to WiFi when out of range so that I can still access web and app store, etc. But have to remember to switch back off so that I can get messages and email.

It'd be nice if I could setup a preference for WiFi to kick in only on a loss of data network, and then back to 3G when in range again.
Here's an interesting question... of those of us having the problem of no email/messaging in WiFi mode, how close is the phone to another WiFi device? During all of my attempts, my laptop was within 2 feet of my Droid. Just recently, they were further apart and, the Droid was still in WiFi mode, and it started receiving messages. When I tried to open the mail, the Droid got within 2 feet and it gave me the username/password error. I tried again, when I had walked away from the laptop and the error went away. I was then able to read the emails and even replied. I haven't tested it with text messaging, but I'm sure I'll see the same results.

Too soon for me to be 100% on this, but I thought I'd throw the info out there.
Anyone? Let me try this...has anyone successfully used POP/SMTP e-mail via WiFi?
I finally got mine set up and I like it. It downloads a copy of the email message to the Droid but the message stays on the server. When I turn on my desktop at home all the messages are still available to download to Outlook.

I did a manual setup of my email account entering both POP and SMPT server names, email address, password and security settings. The Droid accepted all the account information but did not start downloading and sending email until I deleted the default gmail account. Then when I opened the email application it said the account had been deleted would I like to add another account. I answered yes and "wal lal" it brought up the account I had set up and everything is working great.
Where did you find the page that allowed inputting POP and SMPT, etc., etc. data?

I have 3 email accounts set up on my Droid that are with Time-Warner RR. They've been working fine with 3G. Today, I started experimenting with using my home WiFi network. I discovered that I was having the same problem with sending email as has been described by previous posters in this thread. I wasn't having any problems with text messaging. So, I started looking at settings and discovered how to fix the problem. On each of the 3 accounts, under "Outgoing Settings" I had the box check for "Require sign-in". Also, I had a username and password set for each one. When I unchecked this box, each account started working just fine. Only problem is that now, the accounts don't work on 3G. To get them working on 3G again, I had to set the login and password for each account back up and check the "Require sign-in" box. Sheeesh! I think I'm going to leave the accounts set up to work with 3G. If I'm at home where the WiFi network is, I'll be using my laptop to send and receive email. I only use the email app on the Droid when I'm away from home...away from WiFi.

The interesting this is that, on my laptop using my home WiFi network, I'm using Thunderbird for my email. I have the SMTP (outgoing) email set to use a login name and password and it works fine....go figure.....

Motorola Droid
Not receiving mail thru wifi


Maybe you can help me since you seem to have had some of the same issues. I tried to upload a video to uTube in a place that was indoors with no connection to 3G network. So it went to wifi and now my settings are all messed up. First my K-9 mail would not sync auomatically. Now it keeps syncing but nothing comes thru and the phone gets very hot. I don't know what changed and can't seem to resolve it.



Maybe you can help me since you seem to have had some of the same issues. I tried to upload a video to uTube in a place that was indoors with no connection to 3G network. So it went to wifi and now my settings are all messed up. First my K-9 mail would not sync auomatically. Now it keeps syncing but nothing comes thru and the phone gets very hot. I don't know what changed and can't seem to resolve it.


Sounds like you switched to wifi mode and haven't switched back to 3g.

Turn off wifi and turn on "remote network" (both are in your preferences > network settings dialog).