Possible Gingerbread update coming!

Well the Fascinate just got updated to Gingerbread. It seems that Verizon may push a 2.3 update to the Continuum: the Fascinate has been off the vzw website for quite some time while the Continuum just got booted off. Can only keep my fingers crossed :unsure:
continuum update - NOT!

Well the Fascinate just got updated to Gingerbread. It seems that Verizon may push a 2.3 update to the Continuum: the Fascinate has been off the vzw website for quite some time while the Continuum just got booted off. Can only keep my fingers crossed :unsure:

Lets get honest. "They" will never release an update for our Continuums. (and they are still selling them!) It just AINT gonna happen!

I love the ticker, get a lot of use out of it... but it makes for the phone needing a LOT more code for update.
Too hard, too much work for them.
The truth is, they just want us to buy a new phone!
Like... Nexus, just released.
I talked to a Verizon Rep and he said it will probably be updated a little after new years.

Sent from my Samsung Continuum SCH-I400 using DroidForums
Samsung reply re: Continuum lack of update:

[h=6]yesterday, I posted this on one of Samsung's FB pages:
Sandra Curtis
Samsung Mobile USA

[/h][h=6]Where's my update? Galaxy S Continuum is 13 months old and still running on version 2.1. Half of the apps in the market are "not compatible with your device".
E - even if not to Ice Cream Sandwich, give us at least to 2.3! We paid GOOD $ for this phone and are not getting support.[/h][h=6]Thank you.[/h]Samsung just replied on the thread:
Samsung Mobile USAhttps://www.facebook.com/SamsungMobileUSA

Hi Sandra. Sorry to hear about your frustration. We will be sure to post an announcement on the page when any updates and upgrades become available for the Galaxy S. Thanks!

I talked to a Verizon Rep and he said it will probably be updated a little after new years.

Sent from my Samsung Continuum SCH-I400 using DroidForums
Yeah I talked to another rep and he's blaming Samsung claiming "its on them" to release the update.

Sent from my Samsung Continuum SCH-I400 using DroidForums