Possible to set schedule for phone to go on silent during certain times?


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
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I have an HTC Thunderbolt. Normally I like the alert when I get an email or text. However, I don't like it at night. I thought I read an article that there is a way to schedule when phone should use different sound "profiles" but I can't find it.

Is that possible? If so, I'd really appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any help
I read somewhere that it was at the top of the list with the Smart Action App developer team. I thought I had turned off all sounds between 10PM and 6AM only to hear my "notification" to blast at 5:00 in the morning. I now have to remember to manually turn off the volume before going to bed, which I rarely remember! :angry:
There is an app for that!

After posting this awhile back, I did some research and found an app named "Phone Schedule". It let's you set different schedules for your silent, vibrate and ring profiles. I've had it installed for several months now and it works great.
smart volume control

I have smart volume control app on my phone which allows me to have unlimited use of volume control. it also allows me to mute calls from certain contacts. try the full version from google play store app
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