Post pictures taken with your Galaxy S4

While on tour - Barr tender switching out bottle - Local Mpls.

Oklahoma Mall @ Dilliards
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I've had an iPhone 5S and tried an LG G2 and still think the S4 takes some of the best pictures on the market.
I've had an iPhone 5S and tried an LG G2
and still think the S4 takes some of the best pictures on the market.
It's True - iPhone is pretty good at it, and the video too.
Here's a side by side with the GS4 vs. Nikon D3200 taken from the same place and time. As far as clarity and sharpness, they're extremely comparable (even when I blew these up side by side at a pixel view). The Nikon does seem to have better color saturation. Other than that, they're pretty close.

Here's a side by side with the GS4 vs. Nikon D3200 taken from the same place and time. As far as clarity and sharpness, they're extremely comparable (even when I blew these up side by side at a pixel view). The Nikon does seem to have better color saturation. Other than that, they're pretty close.

Wow the Nikon really brings out the golden color of that black car, and even makes it look a little larger.

Has anyone figure out a method to make the auto focus work faster and hold longer?
Has anyone figure out a method to make the auto focus work faster and hold longer?

In most scenarios I don't have a problem with auto-focus. Can you elaborate a bit?
Takes a long time to focus. The green box last for no longer than about 2 seconds

I almost always do a quick tap on the screen before taking a shot and as long as there isn't crazy movement (both from me or from the subject) it sticks long enough (or re-focuses fast enough, not really changing the focus) to get a good shot. It's also really good at picking out faces automatically - so even if it tries to re-focus after turning green, it seems to still manage good shots for me. And don't forget about the voice controls - saying smile, cheese, capture, or shoot will prompt it to focus and take a shot. I use that a LOT at home with my kids - it takes out the small vibration that can happen when you tap the shutter button, and is just plain handy a lot of times.
My wife is looking forward to the updated camera focus, which is supposed to be better.