Power, sleep, unlock ?'s

Haha I'm dumb! I read your post and thought you meant the part in the phone that reacts with the magnet. Lol!

Edit: I almost forgot the app "screen mode widget lite" will keep your phones screen on. But your battery won't last long.
is this a motorized chair? Would it be possible to power the droid from the battery on the chair?

EDIT: the reason i ask is because I think there is a way to force the screen to stay on while plugged in, and this would solve your battery life problem too. I'm sure the power draw off the chair's battery would be negligible.
I think there is a way to force the screen to stay on while plugged in

An application can keep the screen on, either at full brightness or allow it to dim part way but not go all the way off. This works either on battery or while plugged in. However obviously battery draw for the screen is significant.

I believe there are widgets to keep the screen on already available on the market. It'd also be possible to have the application run at boot and I can easily make such an application and post it here or free on the market if there's interest.

I agree that if the phone could be powered by the chair that would be ideal. If it's a 12V battery then a car charger should work.
Yes it is a motorized chair but it runs on two batteries running at 24V if I remember correctly. I haven't researched it much yet but I do know that wheelchair vendors don't like the idea much. With the suggestions so far I have been able to make it work pretty good. Obviously being able to conserve battery power is important as there may be days where I forget to have my helpers plug it in.