Problems with Light Flow


New Member
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Central Ohio
I installed the Light Flow notifications app and initially it worked fine, but the past few days I find that the notification light will blink, but there are no notifications when I check. Any ideas?
I installed the Light Flow notifications app and initially it worked fine, but the past few days I find that the notification light will blink, but there are no notifications when I check. Any ideas?

Do you have it set to show you the charging/charged status?
I installed the Light Flow notifications app and initially it worked fine, but the past few days I find that the notification light will blink, but there are no notifications when I check. Any ideas?

Did you swipe off a notification without checking it, then turn off the screen?
Had the same problem. I'm pretty sure I had it happen both when swiping to clear a notification and even when I selected a notification like an email and actually read the email.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Seems like you actually have to check your notifications instead of swiping it away otherwise your light will continue blinking. Bummer I would say. I really enjoyed the app but having to actually check my email to get rid of the notification light just annoyed me so I ended up just removing the app.
It depends on how you have it set to clear notifications.

Under the "Clear notification style" option, there is the option "Pull down notification bar". If you check this, the light will be cleared when you pull the notification bar down, regardless of the "Clear notification style" setting.
Thanks Msheldon, your advice seems to have solved the problem. As per usual, it was operator error...
Thanks Msheldon, your advice seems to have solved the problem. As per usual, it was operator error...

Meh, I had the same problem, took a bit to figure out. Makes no sense for one option to be separate from the others. Confusing and inconsistent interface design.
I too am having this problem, though cannot find the "clear notification style" option. I have the most up to date version of the app (though not the paid version). Is this only for the paid version? If not, can you clarify a bit where this swipe option is, because I've been in every menu and can find nothing. Thanks in advance!
Does anyone else have the problem of not having the light stay on while charging? Seems like it works fine up until around 85-90% and then the light turns off like its done, but when you turn on the screen its got a ways to go still. Not a big deal, just seems like it shouldn't just turn off.
Anyone know why missed call nofification stop working? I've sent test notifications in settings, and it works fine there. But not when I get an actual call. What could be going on here?