Project Fi


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Sep 12, 2010
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Mississippi Gulf Coast
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Nexus 6
I posted this here since the Nexus 6 is the device that's expected to see this first.

Looks like the Project Fi app is available in the Play Store Project Fi by Google - Android Apps on Google Play

Although you can't do much until we get the invites. But it looks like it's getting closer.

Tapped from a Nexus 6
Don't laugh to hard......what is "Project Fi"??

sent from my fabulous Note 4♡
Hope we have a few members try this out....I'm looking forward to hearing what they think.

S5 tap'n
It's an interesting project. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out..
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If I didn't have unlimited data I'd be all over this.
I plan on giving it a try, just to see. But I'm not ready to loose my unlimited data either.

Tapped from a Nexus 6
Makes business sense if you think about it. Should boost Nexus sales if you have to buy a new one to join up. Sucks for the customer in the meantime, but there's no way they won't start shipping SIM cards eventually. Can't blame them for not wanting to load themselves down with tons of users just to find out there was a hitch in their plan that they weren't anticipating.

If this service fails, I think it'll fail hard. Better to err on the side of caution for sure.
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I agree. And people gave the OnePlus company a hard time with THEIR invite setup LOL!
On the same token, it's much better to start off super slow and make sure everything runs smoothly from the get-go, as opposed to having 100 thousand angry customers going off on customer service reps within the first few weeks.
Obviously there's a big difference in starting a new cell provider then putting out a new device, the way the OnePlus company did. But I think in many ways OnePlus had many more hurdles to overcome. Whereas Google is an already well established company who is piggybacking off two well established cell providers to make their own company successful.
Probably not the best analogy in comparison, but I can certainly understand them (Google) wanting to do this right from the start.

S5 tap'n