Question on Scriptybox


Dec 6, 2009
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I looked but couldn't find anything on this. Trying to use Scriptybox commands and keep getting permission denied errors. Is there a reason this wouldn't have root permissions or is there a step I missed?
Did you type su in terminal before trying to use scriptybox?
Yes...well, no. I tried root and sudo. Goddammit...thanks man. :)
Yes...well, no. I tried root and sudo. Goddammit...thanks man. :)

In terminal go to preferences and go to initial command and change it to this

export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH. <press enter
Bash <here too

That's how I have mine setup and I never have to type su anymore :D
It will also start your bourne again shell (bash) and make it awfuly colory :D
Mayh3m: I used this suggestion from Se7enLC to do the same thing. Is there a preferred way to do this, or any downside in doing it this way?

Here's a simple little thing that EVERYONE should do. In Android Terminal Editor, open up the settings, and tap "Command Line". Edit that line to be:
/system/bin/su -c /system/xbin/bash
Now you get a the convenient bash root shell when you open up the terminal, but you don't have to change the default system shell (which could potentially screw up other stuff).

If you don't like it, change it back to /system/bin/sh, but I suspect it won't take you long to get used to the lscolors, arrow-up to get to previous commands, being able to edit commands in-line, and being able to tab-complete filenames.
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Mayh3m: I used this suggestion from Se7enLC to do the same thing. Is there a preferred way to do this, or any downside in doing it this way?

Here's a simple little thing that EVERYONE should do. In Android Terminal Editor, open up the settings, and tap "Command Line". Edit that line to be:
/system/bin/su -c /system/xbin/bash
Now you get a the convenient bash root shell when you open up the terminal, but you don't have to change the default system shell (which could potentially screw up other stuff).

If you don't like it, change it back to /system/bin/sh, but I suspect it won't take you long to get used to the lscolors, arrow-up to get to previous commands, being able to edit commands in-line, and being able to tab-complete filenames.

Well the suggestion from May3hm adds /data/local/bin to the path just as it is in the default Android Terminal Emulator, so I'd consider this the preferred way as opposed the the one from Se7en which calls su and then bash. I'd stick with the former just in case there is anything in /data/local/bin you may need to run.
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Yes...well, no. I tried root and sudo. Goddammit...thanks man. :)

In terminal go to preferences and go to initial command and change it to this

export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH. <press enter
Bash <here too

That's how I have mine setup and I never have to type su anymore :D

Can't get that to work in better Terminal. Oh well. I have su <enter> set as a shortcut to the camera button. Getting straight to su would be more convenient tho.

Edit: Never mind. Better terminal was set to use almquist shell. Unchecked that, works like a charm. Thanks Mayh3m!
Ignore my prior post, both should work equally well. I hadn't noticed one was the "command line" setting and one was the "initial command" setting.

Failing "reading is FUNdimental" once again.
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Ignore my prior post, both should work equally well. I hadn't noticed one was the "command line" setting and one was the "initial command" setting.

Thanks for confirming that. I tested running commands from both /system/bin and /system/xbin using both configurations. They seem to work the same way.

Guess the old saying "There's more than one way to skin a cat" applies. Now...why the hell you'd want even one way to "skin a cat"...I don't know. :icon_eek:
Ignore my prior post, both should work equally well. I hadn't noticed one was the "command line" setting and one was the "initial command" setting.

Thanks for confirming that. I tested running commands from both /system/bin and /system/xbin using both configurations. They seem to work the same way.

Guess the old saying "There's more than one way to skin a cat" applies. Now...why the hell you'd want even one way to "skin a cat"...I don't know. :icon_eek:

Depends on how desperate and hungry you are... or if you live in a small third world country...