Rebooting After Updated Software


New Member
Jul 2, 2012
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On Friday night I got an alert that an update was avaiable for the software for my Droid. I download it and ever since my phone has started randomly rebooting. For some reason it seems to like to do it at 2am in the morning (like now) so I can wake up to the DRIOOOOID noise of it doing it. I tried following some instructions that told me to flush the cache but that didn't work. It's a work phone so I hate to do a factor reset on it because i'll have to get it activated again ( think). is there anything else that can be done or anyone else having this issue? Or is it just my phone? :blink::frown:
I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. I read on some forums that this happened to them back in May and a new update was taking care of the issue. Looks like that's not true. Mine is also happening at 2am, and will continue through the wee hours unless I turn it off. I also tried the cache thing, but had no luck. I have not installed any new apps. The only change I allowed was the system update 2.3.4
I'd prefer NOT to do a factory reset either. Hopefully someone will have info for us soon.....:icon_eek:

On Friday night I got an alert that an update was avaiable for the software for my Droid. I download it and ever since my phone has started randomly rebooting. For some reason it seems to like to do it at 2am in the morning (like now) so I can wake up to the DRIOOOOID noise of it doing it. I tried following some instructions that told me to flush the cache but that didn't work. It's a work phone so I hate to do a factor reset on it because i'll have to get it activated again ( think). is there anything else that can be done or anyone else having this issue? Or is it just my phone? :blink::frown:
Same problem here. Updated on Saturday afternoon, the phone kept rebooting itself starting at 2am on sunday, powered it off, but the same thing happened again this morning at 2am. Hope this gets fixed soon, I'm ready to toss it! And why is it happening to everyone at 2am?
Same here. My husband's Droid Incredible (original) got the update last week and is now driving us nuts in the middle of the night with it's constant rebooting. My phone, same model, has not gotten the update yet due to 'insufficient memory' and is working fine. I think I won't let the update hit mine but I need to be able to fix his. Factory reset is harsh. Is there a way to uninstall an update? Or has anyone had any luck talking to Verizon. I try to avoid that if possible....
2 am reboot DRIOOOOID

On Friday night I got an alert that an update was avaiable for the software for my Droid. I download it and ever since my phone has started randomly rebooting. For some reason it seems to like to do it at 2am in the morning (like now) so I can wake up to the DRIOOOOID noise of it doing it. I tried following some instructions that told me to flush the cache but that didn't work. It's a work phone so I hate to do a factor reset on it because i'll have to get it activated again ( think). is there anything else that can be done or anyone else having this issue? Or is it just my phone? :blink::frown:

I am having the same problem and also right after the last update. I don't like to turn my phone off at night because I use it as an alarm and I would like to receive emergency family calls too. I hope someone finds an answer. If I try anything to fix it I have to wait until 2 am to see if it worked.
rebooting repeatedly following software update

This problem seems to be common on both this forum and the VZ one. It only happens at night, which indicates to me that the phone is still trying to update something. I have yet to see a reply from anyone who knows why this is happening.
FYI, same thing happened to my and my husband's Incredibles. He did a factory reset on his, and it seemed to stop the rebooting at 2am issue. We also did a factory reset on mine, and it still reboots multiple times in the early hours. So beware the factory reset--it may not be worth the trouble. Hopefully a fix will be sent soon.
I have two friends with Droid Incredible phones. Her phone got updated Friday night and keeps rebooting at 2am until she shuts it off. His phone he told it not to update. His phone has still been working fine now.

FYI, hers with the update is Build 4.08.605.15 CL389630 and Software version 4.08.605.15
His without the updated is Build 4.08.605.2 CL185897 and Software version 4.08.605.2

I don't know if this makes sense because he has a higher number even though hers did the update and has the issues.
My phone started that and i ended up wiping it and restoring. Seems ok for now. Surely there is another way to fix it.
seems fixed!


After looking over lots of posts and info yesterday I came across a suggestion that I think might have worked. Some people suggested that I make sure that my wireless network settings were on. The theory was that the rebooting was happening because it keeps trying complete some part of the update. I hardly ever connect the wireless network because it drains the battery. But yesterday I turned it on and left it on all day and night. My phone didn't reboot at 2am last night! I'm wondering if i turn the wireless off now it will reboot at 2am again? I have to wait till 2am to see if it does it again BUT, it seems that it might of been correct. Having the wireless network connected when it would of tried to do whatever it is at 2am - seemed to work and prevent it from constantly rebooting. I'm going to turn off the wireless tonight so i'll post what happens if it does the same rebooting or it's fixed.
I don't think it is just the update. My fiance and i both updated to the new version and only her phone is having the constant rebooting-DROOOID issue at 2:00am. Mine is not. Perhaps the update is conflicting with some installed app?
I'm having the same issue as well. I have called Verizon twice, the first time they just made me check if the update went thru and they made me Sync the backup assistant. Of course that didn't work. So the second time he made me read all the apps I have installed, which is not many only 31, I told him the ones that were updated this week and I deleted a few of them to see if that was the issue. I guess Ill find out tonight at 2am, but he said he would call me Thursday after the 4th to check if deleting apps worked.

I have tried the wireless settings on and off and it still does it. I really don't want to have to factory reset my phone.

If someone finds something other then factory reset, please let us know. I've been stuck using an alarm clock in the morning to wake me up instead of my phone, I feel so old school.

Well, my phone didn't reboot itself at 2am today. Here's what I did...

Yesterday I removed all apps that I haven't used in quite a while, including some system ones. Ones that might have been a problem were a v1 copy of find my droid, an old system panel lite, and an old battery meter. Ther were other apps I also removed, but too many to list.

And, I did turn on wireless. Kind of surprised me that it was off since I normally have it on.

Anyway, no reboot last night, hopefully the issue is solved for me.
My wife's incredible is doing the same thing..... I did do a reset but that didn't help. I've tried wifi.... I don't know what else to do.
let it run its course

Sunday night it woke me again but I didn't want to turn my phone off so I choose to silence it instead. Now my phone seems fine and I have used it normally (sound on alarm and all) for the last two nights. I read in one of the other forums to let it run its course a 2 am; I think maybe I did this without even knowing by putting it on silent that one night. No factory resets, no deleting apps or anything. Good luck, cant hurt to try.