Reception Issues


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I just switched to Verizon and chose the Droid Pro because I had a
BB curve and wanted a keyboard. I'm having SERIOUS reception problems. Calls drop or the people on the other end tell me I sound garbled. I go from four bars to no bars without moving. My Verizon friends say they don't have this problem so I'm guessing it's the phone. Like I said, I'm new to Android so please keep it simple but I need some help!! What can I do?
Have you updated your prl?

Mine came with a old version

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reception issues...update

Thanks for the do I find out what I have and how to update?
I have noticed that this phone shows less bars than other phones even when they have the same reception.

I put my samsung galaxy and this phone side by side overseas with the same carriers sim card and the Droid pro showed less bars on top than the galaxy; however, on the phone status page the signal strength ( the best indication of reception) was exactest the same.

I haven't been having problems with calls dropping or bad call quality on coma or gsm.

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If the* 228 option 2 doesn't fix the problem, exchange the phone for another one. Cell reception is fantastic on this phone.

Sent from the DPro
Thanks everyone. I tried the "roaming update" and we shall see if it helps. Another question...sort of related. With most electronic devices, I find a power cycle sometimes clears the RAM and helps with issues. Short of removing the battery, is there a way to power cycle the Droid PRO?
You don't really need to. I wouldn't turn mine off except for the fact it reboots on it's own.
Newest software update resolves reception issues, have you updated?

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I just purchased this mint G2 from eBay a week or 2 ago and everything has been great, all but the reception. In the last week, I've noticed that the reception has been a little wonky. At home, I usually get 3 solid bars of LTE, and at work, it bounces around from 2 bars of LTE to 1-2 bars of 3G and even 1 bar of 1X. Along with the constant switching from 4G/3G/1X, my battery drains pretty fast. While I'm at home, the battery is perfect. My Galaxy S3 has gotten a solid 2-3 bars at work throughout the entire day so I'm wondering why my G2 has been having such a hard time getting a solid 4G signal? I also made sure that I had the most recent update. I've been reading up on several different forums and blogs, but a lot of people either returned their phones for refurbs with the exact same issues or exchanged them for completely different phones. Anybody have any suggestions other than swapping it out?
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I have no issues with my g2 as you have described. a matter of fact the g2 has as good if not better reception than the Motorola line which is known for strong reception. I would do one of 2 things,perform a factory data reset and see if that corrects the problem. 2nd, I had my old red 4g SIM replaced with the up to date 4g white SIM at Verizon,was told that the newer white SIM was improved over the old red SIM and did correct the problem you are describing with my old Motorola razor.
I second the motion. My G2 is at least as good if not better than the Bionic it replaced.
Thanks for the suggestions. I just popped my SIM out and found that it was already one of the updated white ones and I already did a factory reset when I first got the phone. Should I still do another factory reset on it?
If you already did a factory data reset I would not bother doing it again. At this point it would not hurt to get another SIM at Verizon and see if that helps. Your SIM may be bad. Good luck
Ok, I just switched out my SIM car and there's no change in signal strength. Just curious, what dBm are you guys pulling in?