[RELEASE]... Black Gmail.... to DATA!!!

Bump for viewing, clear some system space!!! :)
Bump for the night crowd....
Last bump for the night.....
This looks sick! Thanks

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It is the market download app, I don't have the X so I am not sure..... sorry
When ever I try to install it, it begins to install then says "application not installed" any input?
Make sure that you have uninstalled your current version, be sure to back it up incase this one doesn't work. If you current version is in /system, you will also have to reboot before it will install properly...
Make sure that you have uninstalled your current version, be sure to back it up incase this one doesn't work. If you current version is in /system, you will also have to reboot before it will install properly...

Here's what I do, I go into root explorer and rename the gmail.apk gmail.apk.bak Then I move the modded one to system/app then I click on it and I hit install and it says "application not installed"
What am I doing wrong
Great job by the way.
You did such an awesome job on this - will you be updating it to the newest version of gmail ?
Right now I am having issues with apk manager and gmail... If I make any changes to xmls, it wont work??? Stuck right now????
Right now I am having issues with apk manager and gmail... If I make any changes to xmls, it wont work??? Stuck right now????

ARGGH, I was just coming here to ask that exact question TP.

I've never done an xml edit...