RELEASE... Black Market 2.3.4....

Didn't work on mine :(

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Weird man me too, runnin' BAMF 1.4 that is. Here's a themed(linear) 2.3.6 it's not blacked out, sorry Snead, but I don't think anyone has had a problem with this on their bolt.

I'll give it a go. Thanks man! I just move this to /system/app?

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I just tried to do this, and my process consisted of unintalling market w/ TiBu, and then went to move the Vending.apk from that link to /system/app. But not it won't install and I can't restore my old market with TiBu. HELP

Project Elite Out
EDIT: I successfully restored my market but now whenever I open it, I get FC's every time. Not sure what's wrong...

Project Elite Out
Ok I cleared data and cache and was able to install the new vending.apk, but am still having FC issues. : / not sure what I'm doing wrong. I might just restore a previous nandroid backup if it persists

Project Elite Out
Ok I cleared data and cache and was able to install the new vending.apk, but am still having FC issues. : / not sure what I'm doing wrong. I might just restore a previous nandroid backup if it persists

Project Elite Out

Are you running a theme?

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy
I was using blacked out until the market auto-updated to 2.3.6 and went back to stock theme. And yeah I tried the themed one you provided. Lol it looked transparent when I opened it. I guess TB market doesn't mesh with the D1?

Project Elite Out
Black Market will bea updated soon... until then I suggest using the one that Devildog posted, it is VERY well done!

Sent just before I "Blacked Out"

Lol Soooooo j/w hows work going on the updated version of the Blacked Out Market.

I'm kinda stuck with Stock Market atm as BnB Market doesn't work no matter what I try.
I have 3 versions in my section as update.zips.... you can try them if ya wanna....

Sent from the imagination of Uncle B-boy
Yeah, give B-boy's a try, he has the latest market already in zips ready to go... If that still doesnt work, let me know and I can post the one I have done... I just haven't posted it cause the ones that B-boy and Devildog did are really good....
Didn't mean to hijack the thread just didn't know if you would respond quick... but I think ya should release yours anyway... a lot of people depend on you .. :D

Sent from an unfortunate butt dial
I seem to have the worst luck with themed markets. :( the only one I've had success with was EC's 2.3.4 one. I've followed all the methods I could find, but I'm either plagued with FC's whenever I open a themed market, or I flash and have no market at all.

Idk if its just my phones issue or if I'm doing something wrong on some level...

Project Elite Out