Remove BOOT LOADER IS UNLOCKED boot message

Well, I finally took the plunge and did an unlock of my Razr MAXX HD bootloader and TWRP recovery is installed -- thanks to Kachow and the fine folks and devs here. Now, can anyone give me some simple steps and required file to replace the BOOT LOADER IS UNLOCKED message seen at boot time in lieu of the red M logo? I'd like to have the original logo back and not make it soooo Obvious that I've been a badm bad boy and unlocked it. (shhhhhhh. Keep this on the down-low. It's a company phone) ;)

Thx in advance!!

im not sure if i did something wrong, but i have never seen that message on my maxx hd when i unlocked my bootloader. i dont even have the red m logo. before the unlock exploit i was running black widow or white widow, whatever some kind of widow and it changed the bootloader image to some weird og droid razr boot animation lookin thing. the only way i found out that my bootloader was unlocked was in the factory boot menu. but if you dont want to look at that warning nonsence, install whatever widow and go from there haha