[ROM] [ROM] DarkDroid [1.1] [2/26/2012] [XT862 & XT860]

How to install?

Hey I was looking around your web site and I saw this status bar theme... I want to try it out but I cant remember how to install metamorph themes.... Can you refresh my memory pertty please... LOL.
Gingerbread statusbar + battery + 3G/signal icons
- Install like any other metamorph theme
- When installing, it will give FCs for the status bar. ignore these and let it continue.
- If asked to apply anything or reboot, say yes
- If theme is not applied, apply it again and it should work
Hahaha um I don't quite remember exactly myself. I think you browse for the .zip of the theme, then find the .xml file. Then I think you press apply or something.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Hahaha um I don't quite remember exactly myself. I think you browse for the .zip of the theme, then find the .xml file. Then I think you press apply or something.

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

LOL OK I'll play with that tomorrow. Good news is I just installed your updated version and everything updated. LOL I even kept root privileges and am currently waiting on Titanium back up to restore my apps...... So far so good. Ill give more input tomorrow if its needed, I'm off to bed.
Ok I have been playing ln it since 10 am and its now almost 6p and im only at 65 percent battery, everything is running great. Nice and snappy. I have added acouple different themes and all went well except the themes changed it to 5% battery instead of 1%. No big deal but you can't go back unless you restore. Everything I have installed via metamorph fails I just sit there and get force closes over and over... I know none of this applys to your rom I was just saying.... good job on your rom. I think its the fastest one I've tried... one question though.. I did the tether hack on steel droid rom. Do I have to do it again or does that hack survive installing different roms.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
Link is not working here or the darkdroid site can anyone put up a mirror would be appreciated :)
The link works just fine... You just don't seem to see the download link after you get redirected. Look again ;)

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
works fine on my computer but its not redirecting on my phone thanks for the help ;)

Added power button menu options for reboot and screenshot, as well as a better camera app and some build.prop changes.

Also, just throwing this out there. I am in need of around $75. If you like my work, feel free to donate! I'm not asking for everyone to throw a couple bucks my way, but any donations are greatly appreciated!

Added power button menu options for reboot and screenshot, as well as a better camera app and some build.prop changes.

Also, just throwing this out there. I am in need of around $75. If you like my work, feel free to donate! I'm not asking for everyone to throw a couple bucks my way, but any donations are greatly appreciated!

Hey bud, I'm downloading now will load tomorrow and report back. I am in bed but I will donate tomorrow! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile I got a Galaxy 10.1 wifi and I have been working on it.. You should make a rom for it....:biggrin:

Added power button menu options for reboot and screenshot, as well as a better camera app and some build.prop changes.

Also, just throwing this out there. I am in need of around $75. If you like my work, feel free to donate! I'm not asking for everyone to throw a couple bucks my way, but any donations are greatly appreciated!
really quick! whats with the power menu.zip?
I finally got it installed. So far so good. The only thing I haven't tried is the camera yet.. I'll report back in a couple of days.. Again good job on your work.

Galaxy 10.1 rooted, Task V14, Preshoots kernel, OC 1.4ghz and Boosts Jetstream theme.
Droid 3 rooted, Maverick or Darkside rom depending on day, wifi hack.
Droid X2 - retired
Droid X - retired
Droid Eris - retired
Been running it for two days so far, no issues whatsoever! Love that Swype is included and the orginal Google Weather/News Widget. Donation coming from me as well!