[ROM] GummyJAR 2.0 Droid done Right - 12/21

I could not use bootstrap recovery... (finally got into it drunk at 2am lol) And gummy isn't a huge fan of launcher pro (both 8.1 and 8.2 ive tried both as I know the new one has a few bugs). I'm getting a lot of freezing/stalling.

But when it's running its waaaaaay faster than any other rom I've used, and ive tried squids, apex, fission...
From the Great North Woods

Funny I use the car mount all the time and contacts alway work in landscape mode but try this and see if it fixes it for ya....

Open the dialer and press the menu button -> Preferences All the way at the bottom you should have an option to enable sensor rotation.. check that and all should work for ya..
Just tried to send a picture twice and no go. Just sits in limbo
MMS works for me, but I use handcent.

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Once I set a lock screen pattern, my sliders disappear. Is that how its supposed to be?

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Once I set a lock screen pattern, my sliders disappear. Is that how its supposed to be?

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

Yes!! that is the way Android developed it! Moto's sliders changed that
Just tried to send a picture twice and no go. Just sits in limbo

Are you on 2.1?? if so did you do a wipe install while you installed it
Yes and always do. Never mess around with not wiping with d2. Hate SBFing.
Just tried to send a picture twice and no go. Just sits in limbo

Jbox, if you deleted your stock messaging app, and are using some other app such as Handcent, then your MMS will fail since Handcent uses the stock messaging application to send MMS messages.

Check around to see if you still have the stock app, and if not then reflash the rom and do not remove it!

Totally fixed it, thanks kejar31!

seems like the more this rom is warmed up the more efficiently it runs and snappier (best word i know to describe the difference between this rom and others).

still get an occasional freeze and LauncherPro force closes a few times a day... also had a few google framework fcs too but im not complaining...

Cheers and Merry Christmas Sir!
Ok I've noticed a couple things. I use widgit locker and have a music player widgit on the lock screen, but I can't adjust volume unless until I unlock.
Also idk if it's the rom or something else but I can barely hear people when they call even with incall volume all the way up

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I'm running the new version but gps still won't work.

From the Great North Woods
is there anyway to backup the way my apps are setup and the widgets on my screen then doing a wipe data? i want the 2.0 rom but dont want to loose everything ive worked hard to make right..