[ROM Release] Sourcery ROM V2.0

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I for one am happy to see your latest post here on sourcery, total 180 and it says a lot, regarding your integrity and class.
You have to understand, though the entire community is not on sourcery, those that are will fiercely leap to attack those that put down or at least come across as putting down the two devs that we have grown to like and respect, due to the way they work and handle supporting their users.
Not to mention providing a very unique experience for us on OGs.

And immediate assistance and problem solving for anyone and everyone that asks, certainly only increases our enjoyment and lessens any worries that one might screw their phone up.
You do much the same I have noticed with those trying to work RZRecovery, and we all appreciate being able to directly deal with the developer rather than one of their underlings, usually lacking in full knowledge to help, knowledge only the developer possesses.

I wish all devs would work together, but it has become all to clear that in the Custom ROM world you have certain devs, not all, with egos the size of the mass of protesters in Egypt. As well as overinflated pride of ownership. Two psychological properties that unfortunately seem to derail most attempts at working in unison. Too many conductors and only one train, so to say.
And from what I have heard, regarding past attempts to work together, things seem to crumble quickly once the infighting begins. And once the train starts going down hill nothing stops its momentum until you have people, who now refuse to talk to or discuss others whom they once worked with on a project together, a project that fell off the tracks

I hope this combining of the minds goes well as it is only to the benefit of all.
And it seems like your recovery may be a really sweet addition to the flashing world. As I have read that thread for quite some time now and am just trying to figure one or two more things out before giving her a whirl as I never used SPRecovery only CWM, though I still choose to do everything myself when in recovery.
I shall cease babbling now.



+1 Very well stated.


+2 - we should just get along..
+3 I love you guys :p:p:p
Bahahaha this is hilarious!!!

But yeah, I agree. Thanks for the explanation about the different formats by the way rz. I'll admit I have never tried your recovery but I may give it a shot since I really did like sprecovery back in the day but have stuck with clockwork since it seemed to become the trend.

Anyway glad everything is sorted out now.

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WOW!!!!!!!!! So much better than the 1.0 builds... I'm in love...

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