Rooting the Pro after last update?


Jul 18, 2011
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I know that the last update broke root on the Pro. Like an idiot, I waited too long to decide and now I can't root it. Tried a couple of different ways and no dice. Anyone have any info on when we will be able to root the Pro again. Any particular forums or websites to watch? At least the update fixed most of the GB problems... ;)
If it's anything like the .629 update for the Droid 2 Global, you may be SOL on rooting. 629 afaik hasn't been rooted yet since all the exploits were patched. You might have also been locked out of sbfing but don't quote me on that... :sad:
I hope you're wrong on both counts but thanks for the info. :biggrin: I'm kicking myself for waiting too long. Arrrggghhhhhh!!! :biggrin:
Yup, unless you saved root with a rootkeeper app, no root after the update. Also, you cannot SBF. Stuck with the GB Junk. Sorry........................
I just plain waited too long to root it. I had done so on previous phones but for some reason really took my time with this one. Oh well, I'll just have to see if someone manages to get it back.
I bought this Pro off craigslist and it was already on 2.3.4. I wasn't able to root using the one click for PC or the script for my Mac. May have been my fault, doing something incorrectly, but who knows. Either way, SBFing down from 2.3.4 to 2.3.3 worked fine and allowed me to root. I used RSDlite (PC only—tried the Mac script for this as well, failed lol), and wiped data/cache in stock recovery after nonstop force closes of phone and media. Now it's working, rooted, and bloatless :) I may eventually bootstrap and flash some ROMs, but I'm cool with the Pro as is for now.

Sent from my DROID Pro using Tapatalk
Just SBF back to 2.3.3, root, save root with OTA Rootkeeper, update, and restore root with OTA Rootkeeper. Simple as that, worked myself. :biggrin:
Thanks guys. I may give that a go. I have this file, USA Gingerbread 4.6.8_user_signed_1FF.sbf already. Will it work? Not sure where it came from though...
did u have success?????????

would be good to know what ur experience was in downgrading/rooting/upgrading???????

I haven't tried anything yet. I'm holding out that someone can figure out a way to root it again.
not a BIG problem. I can say that because my phone had not been activated yet so I wasn't going to kill my service doing this.

YEAH!! - I just accomplished this feat

I can't give u the blow-by-blow detail but basically.

I used RSDLite5.6 and flashed VRZ_XT610_4.6.8_user_signed_1FF.sbf
I had a big issue with a function stopping unexpectedly. I got it to a half stable state by continually touching FORCE STOP.
I then tried flashing DROIDPRO_2.26.20_FULL.sbf. Not much better luck here - same error different program.
I then went back to flash VRZ_XT610_4.6.8_user_signed_1FF.sbf.

When I did this I had to keep hitting FORCE STOP on the error popup to allow the flash to proceed.
That is the part I can't explain so just be persistent.

This time it worked and everything was stable.
I the used Superoneclick to root. When I used this before on 4.7.3 it stopped at step 7 as others r reporting.

This time - no problem.


Installed OTA Rootkeeper, Superuser, Titanium backup and reflashed with 4.7.3.XT610.Verizon.en.US

YMMV - but it takes persistence.

U may be able to just flash the 4.6.8 a couple times instead of going back and forth. Then again it might work the first time for u.

Anyway - it can be done but if it is on a active phone u might want to have a spare to activate just in case.

I am fully functional and activated now.
edit -- spoke too soon. flashing 4.7.3 DID break the root. i am wondering if ota update will act different. i am back to 4.7.3 stock.
still looking......................