[Rumor] Leaked Video Shows New 'Chromebook Pixel' Touch-screen 2560 x 1700 Device


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

A new leaked video may show the future direction that Google will be taking mobile "PC" devices, and it looks a lot like an integration between the Android and Chromebook concepts. It's called the Chromebook Pixel, and it supposedly has a 2560 x 1700 resolution touch-screen display. Interestingly, the video was not made by Google directly, but was instead from an advertising firm. They claim their servers were hacked which resulted in the leaked video. Here's a quote with the details,

Soon after the video hit Google Plus, the clip was taken down, but we were able to snatch a copy. The video description suggested that the clip was made by a company called Slinky.me, whose CEO Victor Koch than took to Google Plus to announce that its servers were attacked by hackers. Attackers than allegedly made several videos of projects that Slinky.me was working on available on YouTube.

The tag line of the video is “Designed by Google. Down to the last pixel.” Could this mean that Google is working on a Chromebook that is completely developed in-house? After the ill-fated Nexus Q that’s certainly possible. Alternatively, we could be talking about the Chromebook equivalent of the Nexus program. In that case, Google could be working with an OEM to create a Pixel-branded computer.

This leak corroborates with an earlier report that claimed a touchscreen Chromebook made by Google is in the works.

It's interesting to see how Google envisions their various technologies merging across their ecosystem. What other directions can you imagine this technology convergence might go?

BTW... we couldn't host the video, because of its specific format, but hit up the AndroidAuthority source link below to check it out.

Thanks to our tipster!

Source: TheChromeBookForum via AndroidAuthority
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