[Rumor] Motorola Working on Super-HiRes Android 4.0 Tablet With Kal-El


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

There is a mildly intriguing rumor floating around the "interwebs" today regarding a new Motorola Tablet. Apparently, Motorola, undaunted by their mediocre success with the Xoom, is designing a new Android Tablet. This new tablet is even higher end than the last one, and will be sporting a ridiculously HiRes Screen (2048×1536), Ice Cream Sandwich, and Nvidia's Quad-Core processor, Kal-El. From what the "intel" suggests, Moto has actually been working on this tablet for some time already, and it is currently even in the testing phases. In fact, it is even possible we will see it later this year.

Keep in mind this story is a bit dubious, but I would be remiss to not at least share it with you, and let you decide if it is bogus or not. What do you guys think? Possibly for real, or just vaporware?

Source: AndroidTablets.net via Droid-Life
considering motos usual pricing...if this turns out to be real, its cost will kill it.

True, but if this thing can dual-boot Windows and come with an attachable keyboard, it will compete very well with mid-tier laptops with added features/benefits.
I suppose that's part of the problem with being one of the big boys, you ignore the fact you have competition and throw competitive pricing out the window. I've always liked Motorola but they need to realize A LOT of people are getting into the tablet making business the majority of them are doing well. I have a feeling that tablets are going to phase out laptops and with the slew of tabs hitting the market already, that transition may come quicker than some had predicted. Motorola already has a leg up as being a trusted manufacturer so the last thing they want to do is give people a reason to give someone else a try.
I hope Moto learned about pricing with the Xoom and the Android tablets that came out after it.

Even tho the tech might justify the price, they still need ppl to buy it.
Ok, Moto is pumping these out too quickly.( I realize the sexual reference) I know I can't keep up witht them since I have no job, and am going to have to sell my X2 to get the Bionic. I'm probably going to have to sell my Bionic, Transformer, and soul just to afford this since Moto seems to make their products EXPENSIVE. I seriously Motorola needs to slow down, and put some time in between their major releases. Shelling out $200 for a phone and then 2 months later $500 for a tablet is >_>.

Just my stance being a jobless kid..
I think the prices would be good for this high tech tablet with great chipset and stuff. I really like the high resolution so I think it will be way worth it price tag of 700-800. Comparing to anything else nothing might not come close to it atleast right now.
I hope that it does dual boot if it does I will buy it. I would reather run it with window 8 tablet edition. Soon we will see beta availble for public. Sure there is copies of early stage at torrent websites.
I hope that it does dual boot if it does I will buy it. I would reather run it with window 8 tablet edition. Soon we will see beta availble for public. Sure there is copies of early stage at torrent websites.

Yeah, if the rumored specs are accurate, it could be capable of dual-booting Windows and then all bets are off. This board tends to feel anything that isn't free is overpriced, but realistically a dual-boot tablet with that kind of horsepower would be competitively priced against thin/lightweight/portable but powerful laptops costing $1200 or more.

I have a laptop I'm not really happy with because of the heat, but if it went kaput tomorrow (fingers crossed) I'd shell out $1200 for the above, easy.