[Rumor] Nexus Prime Could be Called Samsung Galaxy Nexus with 4.65" Screen


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

As if all the other rumors circulating about the Nexus Prime weren't enough, now we have a new one. This one seems rather "iffy" so take it with a lot of salt. Supposedly, sources have indicated that the next Nexus device will indeed be from Samsung and will be the GT-I9250, but that the name for this device will actually be the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

According to the report, this will be the first Google Ice Cream Sandwich device, and will have a 4.65" screen. Additionally, the phone will reportedly have a metal shell, instead of plastic, and an approximate 324.6 pixel density. Finally, the source also indicated that an October release announcement would be coming fairly quickly.

What is rather telling about this latest rumor that makes it "less than credible" are a couple of things. First, the name sounds fishy... like something a Samsung "fan-boy" made up. Second, the idea that Samsung would use a metal casing on their flagship phone is highly unusual. This would be a substantial break from the norm, as almost all of their high end devices have been plastic to keep them light.

What do you guys think?

Source: PrimeForums via PhoneArena
I think that if they are listening to one of the major complaints about Samsung phones from "pro-moto" people (build quality and durability), one of the biggest improvements they could make would be to make their next flagship phone substantially more durable;a metal casing would definitely do that.
It seems like they're throwing the kitchen sink into this one, so maybe they figured why not throw a metal case on it... Or did google say that their nexus phone needed to be metal this time around

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I think that if they are listening to one of the major complaints about Samsung phones from "pro-moto" people (build quality and durability), one of the biggest improvements they could make would be to make their next flagship phone substantially more durable;a metal casing would definitely do that.

I'd love to see a Magnesium or Titanium alloy skeleton. Plastic skin it all you want but give that sucker a strong set of bones.

As far as a 4.6 inch screen ffs that's huge on a phone. Think we are getting too large for "pocket-ability" at this point no!? as far as how to handle this...... I've got a salt bolder over here... sounds like Rumor mixed with a heaping of wishful thinking to me. We'll just have to wait a little longer and see what develops.
I dunno, I'm still loving that Samsung Note. The screen size really appeals to me. My upgrade is here in March, so I hope it comes out before then, but the price comes down by then too.
Agreed that a metal shell would be very attractive to me. One of the big disappointments on the Bionic was the flimsy back cover. I've waited for the Bionic since last November. My X can hold me over until I get more details on the Prime. One or the other will likely be my next phone.
Cant wait for more to develop on this phone. I want a bigger, higher res display!!
^^ Yea, we have modded X's that are pretty darn fast! It's not as hard for us to wait as lets say someone with a dying D1.
I agree in that they need to make these phones more durable. Personally I don't think a phone being extra light is an automatic plus. I don't mind a little extra weight as long as I feel like if I drop it, it won't shatter into a tiny little pieces. We all remember when we were kids with out little plastic toys; one wrong bend or twist and things would snap off like it was nothing.

As for the screen size, what can I say? Soon they'll be advertising carrying cases for phones among the many accessories, or like I jokingly mentioned with the Galaxy Note, a fanny pack. :)
Really hope that 4.65" screen is wrong. I'm trying to hold out for this but with rumors of a tablet phone circulating the Bionic is starting to look pretty nice.
For what it's worth, remember that a phone that's 4.65" without any buttons on the bottom wouldn't be that much bigger in the hand. My DX is just about 5" tall, and that includes about 0.75" for the bottom of the phone, the buttons, and some bezel on the screen. Minimize the bezel, replace the buttons with on-screen shenanigans, and a 4.65" screen wouldn't make the phone catastrophically bigger in the hand.

I still think these specs are largely bull****, but I'm hopeful. I'm looking forward to getting the pure Google experience. Haven't had a whiff of it since my OG Droid.
I'm looking forward to getting the pure Google experience. Haven't had a whiff of it since my OG Droid.

Yeah dont know how Verzions gonna work with that since they love putting extra stuff on their phones, so who know how pure it actually be. Not that it matters with a Dev phone, anything they put on will be easy to get off.
4.65" isn't a phone, it's a tablet that makes calls. Whether it's true or not, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it.

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For what it's worth, remember that a phone that's 4.65" without any buttons on the bottom wouldn't be that much bigger in the hand. My DX is just about 5" tall, and that includes about 0.75" for the bottom of the phone, the buttons, and some bezel on the screen. Minimize the bezel, replace the buttons with on-screen shenanigans, and a 4.65" screen wouldn't make the phone catastrophically bigger in the hand.

I still think these specs are largely bull****, but I'm hopeful. I'm looking forward to getting the pure Google experience. Haven't had a whiff of it since my OG Droid.

I wonder if people forgot that the 4.65" screen is measured diagonally (from corner to corner) not from top to bottom. With ICS there will be no physical or soft buttons.