S Health Update. Don't do it!


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Sep 5, 2010
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The app update changes the entire look, loses much of the functionality of the factory version and the added features are full of bugs and have very limited capability added.
It also killed my battery yesterday and again today, literally 60% drop in battery while the phone was idle at work today. I'd done reboots, clear cache, data, etc, etc last night to no avail today.
If you do take the update and loath it as much as I did you can go to phone settings, tap manage applications, downloaded, scroll to s health, tap it, tap uninstall updates.
hmmm....I need to look into this...
it looks like the Fit bit app...
Which version did you update? The one I Galaxy apps is the one I got an update notice on and tried but today Play is saying it has an update for S Health.
I'm wondering if updating from the Galaxy Store is why the battery drain.
If you updated from the Play Store have you noticed any battery drain difference?
Not as of yet....I updated from the galaxy store. I also did a fdr last night so everything is a bit new...

sent from my fabulous Note 4♡
Thanks. I went back to the factory version. Too many things I used regularly (like maps) are no longer available in the new update. My biggest reason for using s health is the mapping feature.
I'll give it a few weeks and go back to check reviews to see if they've updated again.
Thanks again.
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