Samsung Claims Foldable Smartphones Could Come Next Year (2016)


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Do you know the best part of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, the Note Edge and the LG G Flex products? The promise of bendable and foldable displays in the future.

According to a Samsung exec's recent boast, that future may not be as far off as we might think. A new report claims an unnamed Samsung official indicated that the company will have foldable displays ready as early as 2016, and he specifically mentioned foldable smartphones. For everyone like myself who sometimes forgets what year it is, that's next year.

Of course, we've heard these type of bold predictions before, and they didn't materialize. Still, Samsung has made tremendous strides in this arena, so it's certainly possible. Here at HQ we would definitely like to believe it's true, because we can't wait to get our hands on foldable devices. What do you folks think?

Here are a couple of sections for discussions on the Galaxy S6 and the LG G Flex 2:

Source: PhoneArena
I think it'll be a nice throwback to the old days of the flip phone and should hopefully alleviate some device size vs pocket size issues, but I won't hold my breath quite yet.

Creating a fixed, rigid display that has a bend in it and looks wonderful is a completely different concept from creating something pliable enough to be bent open and closed many many times and still offer the kind of picture quality that we've come to expect on our smartphone screens.

I'd definitely like to get my hands on one to try it out if/when they do come. I'm confident that they will, just not altogether sold that it'll be next year.
Awesome idea!! I want to fold my tablet in fourths and put that in my pocket. I should be able to talk on it while still folded up small, but when i want a screen and unfold that baby...look out!
Would be sweet to have something about phone sized with a screen on it that you could literally use as a phone, then unfold it in fours as jkaod says and have a tablet-sized screen.
Would be sweet to have something about phone sized with a screen on it that you could literally use as a phone, then unfold it in fours as jkaod says and have a tablet-sized screen.

Could be perfect with a tri-fold edgeless display....Figure it could be a 4.7" smartphone that would unfold into a 8.5" tablet - perfect sizes for phone and tablet, IMO....thickness of original Moto Droid.

I'm not even sure the screen has to bend - just 3 separate displays that could be virtually seamless. Top specs, throw in a stylus and I'd pay $1000 for it (lot of money, though, for something that you can drop and shatter any of 3 screens).
Could be perfect with a tri-fold edgeless display....Figure it could be a 4.7" smartphone that would unfold into a 8.5" tablet - perfect sizes for phone and tablet, IMO....thickness of original Moto Droid.

I'm not even sure the screen has to bend - just 3 separate displays that could be virtually seamless. Top specs, throw in a stylus and I'd pay $1000 for it (lot of money, though, for something that you can drop and shatter any of 3 screens).
If we're gonna dream, we might as well dream big!
If we're gonna dream, we might as well dream big!

I wonder just how the aesthetics of a "bendable" screen will work. Can it really withstand thousands of times being bent flat and never crease or wear?

Of course, knowing Sammie it would be some huge phablet into an 11" tablet. And if they do offer a smaller device, it will have mediocre specs.

Or they'll do something to completely muck things up with like only 32GB of storage, 2/3 of which is taken up by Touchwiz.
I think this is a pipe dream, looking at 2016. Maybe by 2020, 2025 ish...maybe.

The issue here is, BATTERY. That would be the thing that would stick out either on top or on the bottom. Smaller batteries that hold charges longer is technology that is just now being developed. Also, if you bend the phone, it's no longer flat, so putting that thing in your pocket will make you look like you have a small book in your pocket.

"is that a folded phone in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?" :D
Also, if you bend the phone, it's no longer flat, so putting that thing in your pocket will make you look like you have a small book in your pocket.

Not necessarily. Technology nowadays allows for the ultra thin phone, however it is hindered by subpar strength. Folding a phone can be a solution to that. And ultra thin phone which can be folded and stored without worry for bending or breaking.

The issue here is, BATTERY. That would be the thing that would stick out either on top or on the bottom. Smaller batteries that hold charges longer is technology that is just now being developed.

As far as battery is concerned, i'd see them put two smaller batteries in it. Two 1500-2100mah batteries will go a long way on an ultra thin phone.

I wonder just how the aesthetics of a "bendable" screen will work. Can it really withstand thousands of times being bent flat and never crease or wear?
pliable enough to be bent open and closed many many times and still offer the kind of picture quality

I'm not even sure the screen has to bend - just 3 separate displays that could be virtually seamless.
Let's have a 65" TV that folds to notebook size...
Didn't they already have this type of phone? It was called the clamshell....I used to love my Razr, but flip phones are a thing of the past. Who wants to unfold their phone to use it? People are already buying smartwatches so they don't have to look at their phone, now they want to buy one that you have to unfold in order to utilize the whole screen? Let alone all the issues that come with having a crease in the middle of your device.

S5 tap'n
Lots of peeps want clamshell type phone. They take up less space and the screen is protected. They still are the most popular phones in Japan.
Well, so are vending machines that sell used girls panties! That doesn't mean it will work here.

S5 tap'n
And who thought a 6" Smartphone would work?