Samsung Galaxy S2

Just browsing the web and found some details on the Galaxy S2

Samsung i9200 Galaxy S2 details leak Unwired View

Looks pretty impressive, what do you think?

A rhetorical question?

Great specs. But there'll be a bunch of predictable comments:

  • Where's the (HDMI/Xenon flash/QWERTY keyboard/etc.)?
  • Only an 8MP camera? I want (10/12/14/etc.).
  • Can I get that in LTE?
  • It's a Samsung, and nobody should ever buy a Samsung product in the future because of the Behold II debacle.
Hardware wise it looks drool worthy, I'm a little unsure about samsung tho, I haven't quite accepted it as an android manufacturer quite yet (don't ask why cause I don't know lol just a feeling). I hope the droid pro has similar features other wise I might have to give this a real chance!

Sent from my Tapatalk using Droid
LTE anyone? So I guess all the LTE phones are gonna be 4.3" or more?

I see Im going to have to REALLY test reception on these upcoming phones......cuz I may be tempted to try Samsung again....