Scratches on screen

Tell that to the guy who opened this thread. I have a screen film so I don't worry about it.

The only way to be 100% protected from scratches is a screen protector.

And when you're paying $700+ for a phone, I don't want to take chances, like your guy who opened this thread who thought JUST LIKE YOU.


Nothing is 100% effective, I prefer to keep mine naked as I like the quality of the screen and don't want to compromise that by putting a screen protector on my phone that distorts the color and sharpness of the picture.

Yes, it sucks that I got a couple of tiny scratches on my screen which don't affect the above as they are not visible during normal use, just with the phone off, but I can deal with that.

If your going to degrade the picture quality why get a phone that has a hd screen?

Anyways, to each their own. My main reason for starting this topic was to get advice from anyone that has experience in removing or diminishing these already existent scratches.

Sent from my Droid Maxx!!!
You are correct, I posted both comments....however, if you read, one was about my DROID RAZR MAXX and the other is in regards to my new DROID MAXX. Different phones. Please read comments in detail before you attempt to make a snide remark or to say that I'm in some way contradicting myself. Thank you.

Sent from my Droid Maxx!!!

Oh no. You're not contradicting yourself. You're just proving the, what is it?, the "general consensus" wrong and me right.

First you spew the lies about screen protectors, like you're being paid to take down the screen protector companies, then you get a new phone, you stick to your Anti Screen protector lobby and then here you are complaining about scratches.

The whole thing is hysterical. I'm here laughing my ass off at you.
Nothing is 100% effective, I prefer to keep mine naked as I like the quality of the screen and don't want to compromise that by putting a screen protector on my phone that distorts the color and sharpness of the picture.

Yes, it sucks that I got a couple of tiny scratches on my screen which don't affect the above as they are not visible during normal use, just with the phone off, but I can deal with that.

If your going to degrade the picture quality why get a phone that has a hd screen?

Anyways, to each their own. My main reason for starting this topic was to get advice from anyone that has experience in removing or diminishing these already existent scratches.

Sent from my Droid Maxx!!!


OK. So if I have a screen protector, how am I going to get scratches on the screen underneath?

A screen protector doesn't degrade anything. It is totally invisible. There are several types of screen protectors. Some you can see, some you can't at all. Some are cheap crap and have a nasty rainbow on it, some are good and totally invisible. some are good but meant for different things, such as fingerprints, and those are made a certain way and are visible. It depends what they're for. Some are for fingerprints, some are for scratches, some are for privacy.

You know how many times a day people wipe their screen on their pants and shirts? it only takes 1 grain of sand to leave a nasty scratch on your gorilla glass. I think you're doing a dis-service by telling people lies about screen protectors.

But hey, you're right. Don't put a screen protector.

Though I agree that anyone who buys a smartphone should invest in a screen protector, they have every right not to either.

Screen protectors aren't as invisible as you may think either. They change the feel of the phone and even the quality of the display depending on which brand/style you go with. Some are more reflective, some are fingerprint magnets, some are matte finished, etc. Light scratches are inevitable, but many don't like the feel of their phone navigation with the screen protector on. Many times these light scratches are only noticeable at certain angles as well, and since 95% of the time we look directly at our phones, we don't see them, and they aren't apparent when the screen is on either.

Again, I personally use TechArmor because I find it to be the most unobtrusive protector. Fingerprints aren't as easy to wipe off compared to just the glass, but that's about the only con I can find with it.

You sound sensible.

But I tell you what. I would rather vaguely notice that they MAY be a screen protector on than notice there are scratches on my brand new $750 phone.

I have little scratches and one HUGE scratch on the back of my iphone. I've had this one 2 years. But guess what? All I have to do is change the screen protector. $10 bucks and I'm good to go.

The small scratches I have no clue how they got there. The huge one was while taking it out of the case.

The iPhone 4 I had before lived in a pouch. I took care of it a lot. A scratch appeared on the screen. I have no clue to this day how. I went from my empty pocket to my couch. Never put it on its face. Ever.

Same thing. But one I can just change the screen film. The other one I sold it with the scratch.

As for the other thing. I just find the OP hilarious and totally deluded.
I think part of the problem are these "scratch tests" on YouTube where they say "let's test this gorilla glass", then they take a chisel, a pair of scissors, and a pocket knife, maybe even throw in a fork, and they start jamming it on the screen and saying WOW, see? No scratching.

Then you say "ah. Phones don't scratch anymore. Screen films look ugly. There's no point", then you go out and get you shiny new Droid Maxx. You spend god knows how much on it (here you have to buy everything cash unlocked), so $600-$800.

Then you look at your phone. You admire it. Most beautiful thing ever. Then you wake up in the morning and there are 2 hairline scratches on the screen.

First you go into denial and you try to wipe it off. Doesn't work. You start trembling. You think about "god dammit. If I had just put that screen protector the guy offered me at Best Buy", but you still can't believe it. You won't admit it to yourself that you're wrong. So you get your fingernail to see if its just superficial. Your fingernail gets caught in the scratch. Nope. Not superficial.

Now you panic. You come to a forum. You say "I love my phone. It's perfect. But, I have scratches. Really it doesn't bother me, I can't even see them anyway. Hehehe. Hahaha. Huhuhu"

But in reality your blood is burning inside you.

"Does anyone know if I can get them out?"

Still clinging to a small glimmer of hope. Anywhere.

There's a difference between the OP and me. Difference is, when I get my shiny new LG G2 or Maxx (whatever I end up getting)

I will:

Get a screen protector on it as soon as it comes out of the box.

I will not:

Open a thread on this forum about how my brand new $700 phone has scratches.

I have a screen film on this. Cost I think $10. I really have to put my face like 4 inches from the screen ad squint and I can see that there's something there. But in regular use, it's totally invisible and doesn't "feel" weird or anything. My finger glides right on the screen. It feels like there's nothing there.

I'm a sucker for details too and if the screen film affected my experience at all I would rip it out, but these are so good now that it doesn't make sense not to put one on.

The reason why the OP keeps coming back and replying to everything I say is because deep inside he knows I'm right, but he HAS to justify not getting a screen protector to not feel so bad about his scratched screen on his new phone.

This way he can convince himself that his scratches are worth it in order for him to admire the beauty of a screen with 720p and 290ppi. Hahaha.
You sound sensible.

But I tell you what. I would rather vaguely notice that they MAY be a screen protector on than notice there are scratches on my brand new $750 phone.

I have little scratches and one HUGE scratch on the back of my iphone. I've had this one 2 years. But guess what? All I have to do is change the screen protector. $10 bucks and I'm good to go.

The small scratches I have no clue how they got there. The huge one was while taking it out of the case.

The iPhone 4 I had before lived in a pouch. I took care of it a lot. A scratch appeared on the screen. I have no clue to this day how. I went from my empty pocket to my couch. Never put it on its face. Ever.

Same thing. But one I can just change the screen film. The other one I sold it with the scratch.

As for the other thing. I just find the OP hilarious and totally deluded.
Every phone will show its wear and tear, regardless if there is a case and/or screen protector on it. If somehow you manage to have that phone come out flawless after say a year's worth of use, that's pretty amazing, even with a high quality case and screen protector. Fact is, these phones take daily abuse with the occasional drop or two. I've NEVER sold a phone that was flawless, but the main thing is the screen and as long as that's flawless people pay a premium. So yes a screen protector would be a wise investment if you plan to resell your old device, but no matter how high quality the protector, it changes the feel of the phone, period.

I know many who refuse to use one just because it changes the feel of the phone. The feel of glass underneath your thumb or whatever finger you use to navigate is much easier to navigate with compared to any other phone with a screen protector. The gamble is you risk small scratches and such from normal wear and tear. Considering how much the average person uses their cell phone, a small scratch is pretty much guaranteed as well during your time of ownership, even in the case with your iPhone in its protective pouch.

So yes I agree that a small $8-$15 investment in a screen protector is a good way to keep your shiny new device as clean as possible. However, I am not the user of anyone else's phone but my own, and I can't tell them to like the feel of a screen protector either. It's definitely something to get used to and it's not for everyone.

Unfortunately, for the prices we pay for these devices we expect them to take quite the beating. It also doesn't help that many people tend to mix up the meaning of "scratch resistant" and "scratch proof", where as no phone is scratch proof, but some are more scratch resistant. These simple marketing ploys give us a false sense of assurance that these phones can take a beating (which they can to an extent), but not as far as we imagine they can. Fact of the matter is, these phones go through daily abuse and also that the face of the phone is still glass. No matter how strong the glass a scratch is still possible because it is still glass. There's a reason why no one demos their phone rubbing sand into the screen. (Sand will easily scratch your smartphone's screen for those who don't know).

So I always recommend a screen protector, but for those who choose not to use one, don't expect your screen to be flawless at the end of your term of ownership.
Every phone will show its wear and tear, regardless if there is a case and/or screen protector on it. If somehow you manage to have that phone come out flawless after say a year's worth of use, that's pretty amazing, even with a high quality case and screen protector. Fact is, these phones take daily abuse with the occasional drop or two. I've NEVER sold a phone that was flawless, but the main thing is the screen and as long as that's flawless people pay a premium. So yes a screen protector would be a wise investment if you plan to resell your old device, but no matter how high quality the protector, it changes the feel of the phone, period.

I know many who refuse to use one just because it changes the feel of the phone. The feel of glass underneath your thumb or whatever finger you use to navigate is much easier to navigate with compared to any other phone with a screen protector. The gamble is you risk small scratches and such from normal wear and tear. Considering how much the average person uses their cell phone, a small scratch is pretty much guaranteed as well during your time of ownership, even in the case with your iPhone in its protective pouch.

So yes I agree that a small $8-$15 investment in a screen protector is a good way to keep your shiny new device as clean as possible. However, I am not the user of anyone else's phone but my own, and I can't tell them to like the feel of a screen protector either. It's definitely something to get used to and it's not for everyone.

Unfortunately, for the prices we pay for these devices we expect them to take quite the beating. It also doesn't help that many people tend to mix up the meaning of "scratch resistant" and "scratch proof", where as no phone is scratch proof, but some are more scratch resistant. These simple marketing ploys give us a false sense of assurance that these phones can take a beating (which they can to an extent), but not as far as we imagine they can. Fact of the matter is, these phones go through daily abuse and also that the face of the phone is still glass. No matter how strong the glass a scratch is still possible because it is still glass. There's a reason why no one demos their phone rubbing sand into the screen. (Sand will easily scratch your smartphone's screen for those who don't know).

So I always recommend a screen protector, but for those who choose not to use one, don't expect your screen to be flawless at the end of your term of ownership.

Can't argue with that.

But to be honest, I can't see any different in "feel" with or without. I had my iphone 4 without (and scratched) and this iPhone 4S with a screen protector. As far as "feel" it just feels the same to me.

Doesn't make it any less responsive or change anything. I don't even know its there.

The bigger the screens get, the bigger the chances of more scratches, and it only takes a tiny grain of sand on your shirt or pocket to get a scratch right across your screen.

The last I saw was an LG Optimus G Pro. Brand new. No screen protector and a 2 1/2 inch scratch from the center middle all the way to the top right of the screen. And this was attached to. Nice display stand.

Same with a GS4 there.

The worst I saw was a GS3 when it was new. It had a scratch that ran the entire screen from left to right.

At the end of the day it's a phone. You can't be babying it all the time. Sometimes it has to go in a glove compartment or in a bag.

The changing feel arguments and the it changes the looks argument are laughable to me. It doesn't change anything. If it did I wouldn't use it.

The OP here says it doesn't bother him. And that's why he's opening a thread about it? Yea right. It bothers him every second of the day.

Trust me. He wishes he could exchange it for a new one and put an invisible shield on it. Deep inside this is what he wants but he won't admit it.

He will keep arguing he made the right decision for his Gorgeous 720p 290ppi screen. Hehehe. You put an invisible shield type protector on it, and for all practical everyday use purposes, you won't know it's there.
For everyone saying stuff about "feel" and "look"

Watch this


Can't argue with that.

But to be honest, I can't see any different in "feel" with or without. I had my iphone 4 without (and scratched) and this iPhone 4S with a screen protector. As far as "feel" it just feels the same to me.

Doesn't make it any less responsive or change anything. I don't even know its there.

The bigger the screens get, the bigger the chances of more scratches, and it only takes a tiny grain of sand on your shirt or pocket to get a scratch right across your screen.

The last I saw was an LG Optimus G Pro. Brand new. No screen protector and a 2 1/2 inch scratch from the center middle all the way to the top right of the screen. And this was attached to. Nice display stand.

Same with a GS4 there.

The worst I saw was a GS3 when it was new. It had a scratch that ran the entire screen from left to right.

At the end of the day it's a phone. You can't be babying it all the time. Sometimes it has to go in a glove compartment or in a bag.

The changing feel arguments and the it changes the looks argument are laughable to me. It doesn't change anything. If it did I wouldn't use it.

The OP here says it doesn't bother him. And that's why he's opening a thread about it? Yea right. It bothers him every second of the day.

Trust me. He wishes he could exchange it for a new one and put an invisible shield on it. Deep inside this is what he wants but he won't admit it.

He will keep arguing he made the right decision for his Gorgeous 720p 290ppi screen. Hehehe. You put an invisible shield type protector on it, and for all practical everyday use purposes, you won't know it's there.

You seem to think that you are the only person here who knows everything so much better than anyone else. You also seem to think that you know exactly what others think better than they know. Just what makes you think that you are the god of the forum? Some of your more profound and intelligent statements include:

"Toodles!", " The whole thing is hysterical. I'm here laughing my ass off at you.", "ENJOY YOUR SCRATCHED SCREEN!", "I just find the OP hilarious and totally deluded.", "Hehehe.", not to mention the repeated and brilliant "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!".

Let's see, there must be a place on this forum to add an ignore for particular posters. Never had to look for it before.
You seem to think that you are the only person here who knows everything so much better than anyone else. You also seem to think that you know exactly what others think better than they know. Just what makes you think that you are the god of the forum? Some of your more profound and intelligent statements include:

"Toodles!", " The whole thing is hysterical. I'm here laughing my ass off at you.", "ENJOY YOUR SCRATCHED SCREEN!", "I just find the OP hilarious and totally deluded.", "Hehehe.", not to mention the repeated and brilliant "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!".

Let's see, there must be a place on this forum to add an ignore for particular posters. Never had to look for it before.

Did you have anything to say about screen protectors? Or just trolling?

And yes. I KNOW exactly what he is thinking.

He is regretting not getting a screen protector and looks at his scratches every 10 minutes.

Again all comes down to personal use and opinion.

Like you I use a screen protector on my s4 and love it, but I do feel a difference compared to using it vs my Nexus 7 which has none. Just the glass feels smoother and has less drag to it, less friction. I'm also a fairly active person so my palms tend to get a bit sweaty so navigating a phone with the screen protector can cause my thumb/finger to get "caught" sometimes more easily than when they're dry and clean (I play alot of outdoor basketball). This is a problem I've had with every single screen protector I've tried, and I've tried a bunch.

I love having a screen protector and my choice in the brand doesn't sacrifice screen quality. However, just like any other screen protector (even the ultra oleophobic ones) it's susceptible to fingerprints and are a bit harder to wipe off than just the glass. Just out of curiosity, and you may have mentioned it already, what screen protector are you using? The one I'm currently using, TechArmor, has so far ranked as my favorite, but I like to try out different ones.
For everyone saying stuff about "feel" and "look"

Watch this


Call me picky but I think I see a bit of "orange peel" already when she's showing it around the 2:30 mark when the screen is off. I couldn't stand that about Zagg and haven't used them since the OG Droid days. Even on my Droid I had it on for 2 days before I got my money back.

edit: And I watched the review, seems Zagg still has the same problems that made me return it in the first place.
Call me picky but I think I see a bit of "orange peel" already when she's showing it around the 2:30 mark when the screen is off. I couldn't stand that about Zagg and haven't used them since the OG Droid days. Even on my Droid I had it on for 2 days before I got my money back.

edit: And I watched the review, seems Zagg still has the same problems that made me return it in the first place.

Then get a better one That doesn't.

The point isn't Zagg or whatever. They aren't they only ones making screen protectors

There are screen protectors that make you put some sort of goo on the screen. I don't use those.

My screen protector doesn't have anything. You just clean the screen and put it on.

Actually I think, for you, just don't get a screen protector. You'll end up like the OP. make sure you let me know when you open your My Screen has scratches thread.

Now if this "orange peel" affected her use, she would've said it, but no. When you're using the phone it was totally invisible and she said it even felt like glass.

What you're seeing is something at an angle that you would never use your phone in and when the screen was off.

I don't know about you but I use my screen when it's on.
Unwilling as I am to jump into this heated debate, I am unable to locate any screen protectors made for the Moto Droid Maxx. Plenty out there for the Razr Maxx. So far it looks like Verizon is the only place to get these. (Universal screen protectors are out, as I'm not good with scissors.)
Unwilling as I am to jump into this heated debate, I am unable to locate any screen protectors made for the Moto Droid Maxx. Plenty out there for the Razr Maxx. So far it looks like Verizon is the only place to get these. (Universal screen protectors are out, as I'm not good with scissors.)

True. New phone.

I've seen a couple for LG G2 online. But none for Droid Maxx. I don't put on screen protectors myself. I take it to a place and they put it on.

I live in thailand now and here getting a screen protector is standard procedure. It would be strange to see someone not putting a screen protector on. There are no contracts here and if you want a new phone you need to sell your old one.