Screen-Unlock Animation


Feb 22, 2010
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Does anyone else - I hope - have a kind of smoke, cloud or fog-clearing animation upon screen unlock? Immediately after unlocking the screen, over any homescreen and most apps, the animation plays.

Tapping the screen gets rid of it, but the buttons, text windows, and the onscreen and slide keyboard are unresponsive while the animation plays. It's rather annoying and I want it gone. It's completely possible this is a setting on ADW.Ex, however I've searched searched extensively through both the phone and ADW settings and have had no luck.

What in whatever-diety-you-believe-in's name is going on here?
Incorrect. I actually just bought and installed BW last night. I looked through those settings and indeed it was similar, but those unlock animations are tied to the weather.

The animation I have is ONLY fog/smoke/clouds clearing (a group of clouds or plumes appear on screen and split, heading off both sides of the screen.) It's irrespective of weather, and I've had it since I bought the phone - ie Before I bought BW last night

It's not related to the launcher either as it happens whether ADW or launcher pro is set as default.

Blah I'll never figure this out :mad:

EDIT: w00000t persistence pays off. It was tied to Weather & Toggle Widget addon, which I must've downloaded one of the first days I got the phone. Phew. If a mod wants to close this thread, by all means...
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Can you post a screenshot or vid of what's happening?

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
I too have the same problem. How / where did you turn this off?

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
My wife has a D2 and the kids tried to unlock the screen to many times it locked her out. It's asking for her email and password and when she enters it it still will not let her get in.
Stupid question but what phone do you have? I know this should be kinda odvious by now but what you are depicting sounds like the sense UI on an HTC.
Stupid question but what phone do you have? I know this should be kinda odvious by now but what you are depicting sounds like the sense UI on an HTC.
She has a Droid 2. It's rooted but still has the stock ROM.
She fixed it, she said for whatever reason it just started working again. I don't know I was not there.
Galaxy s3 mist animations

I've had the Galaxy S3 for a week. It just started to doing that animations last night. I already owned BW but I did download beautiful animations that go with BW. NOT sure if it's related. I might have changed a setting in the OS somewhere. I do , however, actually LIKE the misty!

I'll see if I can stop them though.