SD card

great.In a practical sense, you should find that 16 GB of storage on the phone is fine. thanks
To add to that, part of the changes were implemented by Google to help try to curb software piracy. As of 4.1+ Google stores all purchased apps in a "secure storage" container. Basically, it's an encrypred volume. This prevents a user from pulling the raw APK using ADB and side loading it on a dozen other devices for free.

The problem stems from early Google phones having a single non upgradable internal storage card that was partitioned. Back then you could move apps to the second partition. But Google never specified what any external, (add-on), memory should be called and since there is no standard naming convention between manufacturers for the external memory Google removed the ability to move apps to SD as it was causing problems with apps being able to interact with the OS.

As was pointed out by Bob many apps have settings allowingt you to specify the SD card either as the default data storage or download location.

Samsung will come out with an update that will be Samsung specific that will provide a very limited ability to move at least portions of some of the stock apps to SD.