Shamu 5.1.0 on Factory Images Page Now

any clue what's different?
Not that it is not a good tool kit, but do yourself a favor and learn it (how to do it manually). The hardest part is setting up your drivers and adb. After that it really is a matter of copy and pasting commands. I am not saying stay away from toolkits but if it fail or something happen you are able to recover and not panic. We have seen toolkits and scripts evolve from when it started as sholesmod to cyanogenmod . @jstafford1 and @Jonny Kansas can both attest to the nights we spent up helping scared people recover their phones because of a script or mod. Just tuck the knowledge and have adb/fastboot set up and ready to go where you also understand how to use it in case the script fails.
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I created a post on the nexus 6 section that breaks down the commands. Just make sure the 5.1 files are in the platform tools folder. I'll try and link it .
Again, not saying stay away from toolkits, by all means use them. Just make sure you can do it manually if need be. My night on here is probably done. So good luck.