Shattershield - Second Gen


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2013
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Current Phone Model
Pixel 7 Pro
We have a thread here for dropped phone stories for the Turbo 2 (with Gen 1 Shattershield) so I thought we should have one for the Moto Z Force also. I dropped mine for the first time last night. Went to set it on my work bench in the garage, a loud noise outside distracted me, and caught the edge of the work bench. Phone slipped out of my hand and fell a few feet and bounced off the bottom shelf, which sent the style shell flying off the back of the phone. It then hit the cement garage floor face down. Just like when I dropped my Turbo 2 a few times, the initial reaction was "Oh crap..." I picked it up & dusted it off, not a scratch on it. I don't know if a Gorilla Glass screen would have shattered from the same fall, or not. I have seen them shatter from much less traumatic falls.

So, if you have dropped your Z Force, strapped it to a rocket (yes, that's been tested), dropped it from a drone (been tested also), or thrown it out of a moving vehicle post it here and let us know how it survived.
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And for those that have never seen the original Shattershield commercials, here is one example.

i have a verizon bumper on my phone and dropped it a few times where my incipio battery flies in opposite direction. never worried before and doesn't bother me now. i've yet to crack a screen on a phone in my life as they always had a tpu case on them.
I have seen at least 3 shattered Gorilla Glass screens from drops with TPU cases installed. If it hits just right it will still crack, or shatter.

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So, if you have dropped your Z Force, strapped it to a rocket (yes, that's been tested), drooped it from a drone (been tested also), or thrown it out of a moving vehicle post it here and let us know how it survived.

I've seen them dropped from a drone, but never drooped from a drone. Will a drooping drone break a phone? Say that three times real fast.:)
I refuse to jinx myself by saying anything about dropping a phone and it not breaking.
Glad to hear that your phone survived unscathed Sajo. Time seems to be in slow motion and my heart always stops when my phone takes a dive.
So, if you have dropped your Z Force, strapped it to a rocket (yes, that's been tested), drooped it from a drone (been tested also), or thrown it out of a moving vehicle post it here and let us know how it survived.

I've seen them dropped from a drone, but never drooped from a drone. Will a drooping drone break a phone? Say that three times real fast.:)
I refuse to jinx myself by saying anything about dropping a phone and it not breaking.
Glad to hear that your phone survived unscathed Sajo. Time seems to be in slow motion and my heart always stops when my phone takes a dive.

Thanks for pointing out my grammatical error. It was spelled correctly at least. One of these days I have to remember to proof read twice before posting.

I know what you mean, even with shatter shield it seemed like slow motion last night. And I didn't say "Oh crap" either, it was a word I will not type here.

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No offense intended. I'm the king of typos. I almost always notice them just as my finger is pushing the send button and it's like I can't stop it in time. Kind of like that slow motion thing when you drop your phone.... Notice the typo while my finger is moving toward the send button, NOOOOOOO, I can't stop it...."Oh crap", message sent.
And no offense taken.

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So, another testament to shatter shield screens. My wife has the Z Play Droid. Great phone, with standard Gorilla Glass. She dropped it off the couch Saturday into the hard wood floor. Maybe 2 1/2 feet. Didn't think much of it. She forgets and thinks she has shatter shield and doesn't have to worry about drops. I looked at it yesterday and sure enough...cracked screen. From the top speaker diagonally across to around the power button. It must have hit right on that top corner, just right. And yes it was in a TPU bumper case. If that was my phone I wouldn't think twice about even checking the screen. . Time to submit a repair request through Moto, hopefully their policies are the same (they have always had a great broken screen program in the past).

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I dropped my Z Force for the second time today, from about chest high, right onto concrete. I was getting out of my Jeep and grabbed both phones (my Z Force and my work phone). I have been running both with no case at all lately and it just slipped right out of my hand and flew higher into the air when I tried to grab it. I had that "oh crap" moment when it hit because I thought it was my work phone and would be shattered. Luckily it was my Z Force. It hit directly on a corner and sent the style shell flying across the garage. Once I realized which phone fell I wasn't nervous at all. Picked it up, dusted off the screen and put the style shell back on. It left a nice mark on the outer aluminum frame but the screen is perfect. Shattershield for the win.

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An update: I noticed this morning that yesterday's drop cracked my tempered glass screen protector in two places, corner to corner and another smaller crack. I'm pretty sure that if this was not a Shattershield screen the screen itself would be cracked worse than my screen protector. New screen protector is on order and if the screen underneath is damaged in any way, by some strange fluke, I know I have a 4 year warranty against cracks.

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Sajo, you must have done something pleasing to the "Phone Gods". They are clearly watching over you.
Glad to hear that your phone is still mostly intact with only a small war wound.
Thanks jkaod. I think it's another testament to how awesome Shattershield is. My new screen protectors arrived yesterday. I pulled off the old one and it was cracked worse than I thought. At least 4 long cracks. I'm confident that if I had a traditional glass screen it would have been cracked just as bad as the protector, if not worse. Shattershield for the win.


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Wow! That's amazing. I'm totally impressed with shatter shield. It's a whole heck of a lot cheaper and easier to replace the screen protector. Don't tempt fate though. No more drops. I'm thinking a short surfboard leash for your phone might be in order.