Slow, with peristent audio interrupts. I'm regretting switching back to Droid. Help?


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Jun 17, 2013
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Slow, with persistent audio interrupts. I'm regretting switching back to Droid. Help?

I used Droid phones ever since the first one came out, until my last phone, which was an iPhone 4. I was reluctant to go over to Apple, but I thought I'd check it out. After two years of that, I tired of their restrictiveness and attitude and decided to come back to the fold. Now, though, I am regretting it. I am having problems with my Droid RAZR HD that I never had with my iPhone 4.

My hope is that there is a fix for these issues, or something that I can do better, but searching the forums hasn't been helpful. The issues are minor, I suppose, but really aggravating. These are the two that bug me the most.

1. Any data or wifi activity interrupts my music. This is not even streaming music, and is not just a temporary pause. If I am listening to WinAmp (or other apps I've tried) and I get a text message, or a facebook notification, or if GPS updates in the background, or if I open Chrome, or go to a website, my music player will stop playing music and have to be restarted at least 70% of the time. This problem is even worse if I am listening to streaming music or podcasts (e.g. Pandora, Spotify, Stitcher). I don't run a lot of apps, just what I'm currently using and the bloatware that we can't get rid of without rooting. I use microSD card and neither it nor my phone are close to full.

2. It's just plain slow, at least half the time. This day an age, you should be able to activate the screen and immediately punch in your security code. More often than not, my Droid hesitates and I have to retype the code. Sometimes it takes 5 - 20 seconds just to log in. It's like my phone stutters or is high half the time.

If anyone has tips or recommendations, they would be very welcome!
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Come on, people...let's help a fellow Droid RAZR HD owner out here. The things s/he describes here are certainly annoying yet I believe they are easily diagnosed and resolved. This phone out of the box doesn't do any of what s/he is describing, so it has to be one or more apps or settings which are contributing to the problem(s). Just as food for thought, could limiting the number of processes in the settings help? Could there be apps that are tying up the processor and leaving very low room for additional overhead? What about apps that track or report things such as location or browsing history so they can tailor advertising to the OP when browsing? Could there be a better choice or choices for apps to perform the streaming and playing of music that won't stutter? How about the lag at wake-up...this just doesn't sound right?

To the OP, can you post a screen capture of the Apps running for us? Also, it would be helpful to have a pic of the Battery screen.
Use developer options and cut off animations, and transition effects, also try clearing the phone cache, this should help with a lot of of not all lag for a while, it seems that jellybean takes up quite a bit of ram and having only 1gb is a major issue....I believe the next update should help resolve most of this cause it is going to be less ram hungry.....
Use developer options and cut off animations, and transition effects, also try clearing the phone cache, this should help with a lot of of not all lag for a while, it seems that jellybean takes up quite a bit of ram and having only 1gb is a major issue....I believe the next update should help resolve most of this cause it is going to be less ram hungry.....

Thanks for the support, welcome, and I'm proud to have given you your first "Like!" You ARE what makes a community successful. :hail:
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There are a lot of cache cleaning apps. Currently I use Clean Master and it seems to work fine. I've used others in the past and they seemed fine too. Easy to use and no need to restart your phone.
Nice, I like Clean Master. Its very.. clean!

Point of example that just happened: I'm sitting at my desk at work, half an hour after clearing the cache and making sure I'm not running anything extraneous. Listening to a song on WinAmp when suddenly the audio cuts out. No obvious trigger. No text, no notification of any sort, no idea what my Droid was doing. Only apps showing up top are win amp and SmartActions. (Sometimes I will catch SmartActions updating my location to "Work", redundantly, when this happens.)

The app thinks its still playing, though all playback has ceased. It did not auto pause. Any interaction makes it refresh itself, and maybe now there will be a play button to push that will make it play. It is not a winamp-specific problem, as the same thing occurs with other apps. Sometimes also, it sends me back a song or two when I press play, or in the case of Stitcher back anywhere from 5-30 minutes in the podcast.
I had the same issues with that phone. I got rid of it in favor of a Galaxy s4. Samsung or HTC is the way to go. I had the Droid, Droid2, 2 global, Droid 3, then the HTC rezound (Which was a fantastic phone), then the razr maxx hd, and now a galaxy s4. The motorola phones seem to continue to get worse while samsung improves. I tried so many different things to get my razr maxx hd to behave, but it was a waste of time. that that is the worst andoid phone i've ever had. Don't give up on android! ....Just perhaps on Motorola....
Well, first I'd like to move this thread to the RAZR HD forum, where you will get the best possible support. Second, I don't believe that the problems you (and apparently Solar), were having are characteristic of the phone. There HAS to be an underlying reason that is resolvable. These devices go through rigorous testing during research and development in the prototype phase, and then again in the first run production. Then they are distributed to a large base of beta testers who test them in real-world situations and doing normal every day things. I would think that if these problems were symptomatic of a flawed phone design the issue would be all over the web, there would either be a huge recall or a class action lawsuit and EVERYONE would know about it.

Let's give the other members in the HD forum a chance to see this through.
OK folks, here's a member suffering from problems with his HD stuttering and stalling while playing music. Let's step in here and work as a team to fix this. I am not willing to accept these problems as normal, and I know we can get this member's phone working correctly.
This response will not be easily accepted as an answer, as i think there is/are apps that are causing the problem. I believe doing a FDR and slowly installing one app at a time with testing between each one to determine the cause of the problem.
Yeah, okay, FDR couldn't hurt, might even fix it by virtue of simply doing it. I'll give it a shot, though I don't think systematically testing will be practical. Thanks for the idea.
I see you have lookout installed. my experience with virus protection apps have not been good on my phone. Ive had a few of them installed and they made my phone laggy and unresponsive. If a fdr doesn't help maybe try running without lookout.

Sent from my GT-P5113 using Tapatalk HD
I see you have lookout installed. my experience with virus protection apps have not been good on my phone. Ive had a few of them installed and they made my phone laggy and unresponsive. If a fdr doesn't help maybe try running without lookout.

Sent from my GT-P5113 using Tapatalk HD

I second Lookout it caused a lot of lag on my last phone. Once I removed it the lag went away.

from my spanking new Samsung Note 2
Lookout is one of the apps that I did not reinstall after the FDR. Good to see evidence of lag and interference associated with something specific!

So far performance is improved on what it was, but we'll see how it goes. I went on a 4-mile run yesterday running both MapMyRun and StitcherRadio, and only had one occasion where Stitcher dropped completely associated with the GPS blinker. Usually on that run it happens 3-4 times. Very annoying to break pace and pull out the phone to restart music or podcasts.

I also just set up Clean Master to clean tasks whenever the screen turns off, and instructed it to ignore WinAmp, Stitcher and audible. I feel like this will help as well.

Thank you both.