Slow, with peristent audio interrupts. I'm regretting switching back to Droid. Help?

I used Droid phones ever since the first one came out, until my last phone, which was an iPhone 4. I was reluctant to go over to Apple, but I thought I'd check it out. After two years of that, I tired of their restrictiveness and attitude and decided to come back to the fold. Now, though, I am regretting it. I am having problems with my Droid RAZR HD that I never had with my iPhone 4.

My hope is that there is a fix for these issues, or something that I can do better, but searching the forums hasn't been helpful. The issues are minor, I suppose, but really aggravating. These are the two that bug me the most.

1. Any data or wifi activity interrupts my music. This is not even streaming music, and is not just a temporary pause. If I am listening to WinAmp (or other apps I've tried) and I get a text message, or a facebook notification, or if GPS updates in the background, or if I open Chrome, or go to a website, my music player will stop playing music and have to be restarted at least 70% of the time. This problem is even worse if I am listening to streaming music or podcasts (e.g. Pandora, Spotify, Stitcher). I don't run a lot of apps, just what I'm currently using and the bloatware that we can't get rid of without rooting. I use microSD card and neither it nor my phone are close to full.

2. It's just plain slow, at least half the time. This day an age, you should be able to activate the screen and immediately punch in your security code. More often than not, my Droid hesitates and I have to retype the code. Sometimes it takes 5 - 20 seconds just to log in. It's like my phone stutters or is high half the time.

If anyone has tips or recommendations, they would be very welcome!

Ppl on here know me to be the pessimist when it comes to this phone. Just to let you know before I rant.

I have THE SAME PROBLEM and so does most. Im in the car, playing audio through my speakers via Bluetooth, and for no reason (at least a logical one to me) it will just stop, for seconds... like something is going to happen; a phone call, text, etc.

My wife has an iPhone5, tried hers out an it NEVER stops or pauses.

Look, its a nice phone, but already outdated and buggy. I dunno, maybe Im not a big "phone" person. I only got the thing cuz my wife kept teasing me about having a 3 year old "dumb" phone.

Another thing, ever notice how when you hang up with someone and go back to the call log... its freaking way down the page??? Why is not at the top showing the last call? Who knows. This phone has so many "unknowns" its sickening.

And everyones answer is "clear the cache" - "reset the phone" and Im like "WTF!?!?!?!??! This is supposed be a smart phone?"

Also while Im ranting, I swear to Christ, when I get out of my car, and shut it off, WHY does my phone stay in Vehicle Mode (Smart Action) WHY?????????????????????????? 80% of the time it stays in it.

While I wouldnt care so much normally, the other day, I get out, walk into the office, and my phone blurts out "So and so has texted you, would you like to read it" or something like that... everyone is looking at me like some Martian.

Oh, and please, save yourself the embarrassment of "showing it off" to anyone, because its a 50/50 shot it will get buggy and you will look like even more of a tool.

Do what I do. Dont even play with it. I used to play with it, try to make it cooler looking, etc. Now it just sits there, my iPad is back to being my bathroom assistant.

Sad but true :(
I still think Jimmy's is f------- up and he won't return it.
I don't have half the issues he does.
My phone never, not even 1% of the time, gets stuck in "Vehicle Mode".
I don't have to shout, as he does, to get Google Now to hear me.
My call log doesn't do what his does. Ever. Not. One. Time.
I still think Jimmy's is f------- up and he won't return it.
I don't have half the issues he does.
My phone never, not even 1% of the time, gets stuck in "Vehicle Mode".
I don't have to shout, as he does, to get Google Now to hear me.
My call log doesn't do what his does. Ever. Not. One. Time.

Lol. I have insurance so I might just smash it and pay the 100 deductible

By the way wise guy... The should have called this phone the RAZR HD Clear edition.. Seems every problem is answered with "clear this and clean that".

As for you pere ... "your a cantaloupe"
Nice, I like Clean Master. Its very.. clean!

Point of example that just happened: I'm sitting at my desk at work, half an hour after clearing the cache and making sure I'm not running anything extraneous. Listening to a song on WinAmp when suddenly the audio cuts out. No obvious trigger. No text, no notification of any sort, no idea what my Droid was doing. Only apps showing up top are win amp and SmartActions. (Sometimes I will catch SmartActions updating my location to "Work", redundantly, when this happens.)

The app thinks its still playing, though all playback has ceased. It did not auto pause. Any interaction makes it refresh itself, and maybe now there will be a play button to push that will make it play. It is not a winamp-specific problem, as the same thing occurs with other apps. Sometimes also, it sends me back a song or two when I press play, or in the case of Stitcher back anywhere from 5-30 minutes in the podcast.

Do you have some sort of task killer killing your running programs?
Ppl on here know me to be the pessimist when it comes to this phone. Just to let you know before I rant.

I have THE SAME PROBLEM and so does most. Im in the car, playing audio through my speakers via Bluetooth, and for no reason (at least a logical one to me) it will just stop, for seconds... like something is going to happen; a phone call, text, etc.(

This may or it may not help, one of the problems that I have happens to be a big which is Bluetooth, it is not an issue with my phone, I know this because I had the same issue with my HTC phone prior to this one. But my car, my Infiniti has the WORST BLUETOOTH!!! What I have resorted to trying and maybe this could help with Bluetooth connectivity in your car with your device. I use an app called DSPManager, which the link is right here. Basically, this allows you the ability to increase the volume on Bluetooth, Speaker, and Headset. Who knows maybe this can even help out the OP, as it sounds like he/she runs with his/her device while listening to music. Anyhow I have settings all of them set to the maximum. Make sure to disable the Acoustic Warning, or freeze it, as it sets a frequency limit, and if there is a limit DSPManager will not work properly.
Is it possible that he's running on a power saver mode? Or is win amp checking out if the person is still there like Pandora? Get rid of lookout. Do you have to use winamp? Maybe try Google music? Have you told your phone not to play sounds when you receive an email, text, or update? If your music is on the phones memory and not in the cloud maybe it's the hard drive.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Its not the car, my wifes iPhone works flawlessly with it plus she can even connect it via USB.

I connect mine via USB... "Device Not Recognized" :(
Is there a remote chance you can update the firmware on your blue tooth device?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Is there a remote chance you can update the firmware on your blue tooth device?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Update my car? Its a 2013. Barely has 2000 miles. Unless you mean the phone?
No I meant the car... Once I bought a dvd player and a week later there was an issue with the player so I went online and found an update for the dvd player. Just saying there's that possibility. Just cause the car is 2013 doesn't mean that all the equipment is 2013. Find out.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
No I meant the car... Once I bought a dvd player and a week later there was an issue with the player so I went online and found an update for the dvd player. Just saying there's that possibility. Just cause the car is 2013 doesn't mean that all the equipment is 2013. Find out.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta

I guess I can ask them or look, but I have a fully loaded 2013 Accord, all the bluetooth tech was stock with the car.

Also, today, it was an absolute nightmare, it paired just fine, but the music wouldnt play, I had to stop the car and mess with it, and then even still it was all buggy and what not.

I think PereDroid is right, and my phone is busted.

This phone sucks lately.
I didn't see it mentioned but I was having a lot of problems with my audio skipping like an old CD would and I searched forever and found that if you set your Bluetooth timeout to always on and or never off it pretty much solved my problem.
I didn't see it mentioned but I was having a lot of problems with my audio skipping like an old CD would and I searched forever and found that if you set your Bluetooth timeout to always on and or never off it pretty much solved my problem.

I rarely have drop outs or pauses, but when I do, I drink, sorry it's always seems bt related. I reset my head piece and it always goes away. Thanks for the time out tip.

from my spanking new Samsung Note 2
I guess I can ask them or look, but I have a fully loaded 2013 Accord, all the bluetooth tech was stock with the car.

Also, today, it was an absolute nightmare, it paired just fine, but the music wouldnt play, I had to stop the car and mess with it, and then even still it was all buggy and what not.

I think PereDroid is right, and my phone is busted.

This phone sucks lately.

I assume you know your 2013 Accord has a recall to do a software update on the radio. You might try that before blaming the phone.
I assume you know your 2013 Accord has a recall to do a software update on the radio. You might try that before blaming the phone.

I reset the phone and cleared the cache and its fine now. Apparently with this model phone, from what I hear, is every 2 days, for the phone to run smooth, you have to power it down, clear this, clear that, etc. (sigh)