Slow, with peristent audio interrupts. I'm regretting switching back to Droid. Help?

Ppl on here know me to be the pessimist when it comes to this phone. Just to let you know before I rant.

I have THE SAME PROBLEM and so does most. Im in the car, playing audio through my speakers via Bluetooth, and for no reason (at least a logical one to me) it will just stop, for seconds... like something is going to happen; a phone call, text, etc.

My wife has an iPhone5, tried hers out an it NEVER stops or pauses.

Look, its a nice phone, but already outdated and buggy. I dunno, maybe Im not a big "phone" person. I only got the thing cuz my wife kept teasing me about having a 3 year old "dumb" phone.

Another thing, ever notice how when you hang up with someone and go back to the call log... its freaking way down the page??? Why is not at the top showing the last call? Who knows. This phone has so many "unknowns" its sickening.

And everyones answer is "clear the cache" - "reset the phone" and Im like "WTF!?!?!?!??! This is supposed be a smart phone?"

Also while Im ranting, I swear to Christ, when I get out of my car, and shut it off, WHY does my phone stay in Vehicle Mode (Smart Action) WHY?????????????????????????? 80% of the time it stays in it.

While I wouldnt care so much normally, the other day, I get out, walk into the office, and my phone blurts out "So and so has texted you, would you like to read it" or something like that... everyone is looking at me like some Martian.

Oh, and please, save yourself the embarrassment of "showing it off" to anyone, because its a 50/50 shot it will get buggy and you will look like even more of a tool.

Do what I do. Dont even play with it. I used to play with it, try to make it cooler looking, etc. Now it just sits there, my iPad is back to being my bathroom assistant.

Sad but true :(

Confirmed all my suspicions, and said everything I was too lazy/cautious to say. Thanks! And... *sigh*
Do you have some sort of task killer killing your running programs?

I did prior to factory reset. Did not install a new one after. I don't remember what it was called, but I had it set to block auto-restarting apps that are not essential and I never use (e.g. Amazon, Slacker)
Is it possible that he's running on a power saver mode?


is win amp checking out if the person is still there like Pandora?


Get rid of lookout.

Check! :)

Do you have to use winamp? Maybe try Google music?

I'll give it a shot. Is Google music a good player?

Have you told your phone not to play sounds when you receive an email, text, or update?

It handles the notifications just as it's supposed to (though maybe not the way I'd like), with short fades in the music while it interrupts. I've tried it with no notifications, but it's the act of receiving the data that seem to be the trigger, and it still cuts out entirely sometimes (e.g. GPS locating, receiving text)


Check! :)

I'll give it a shot. Is Google music a good player?

It handles the notifications just as it's supposed to (though maybe not the way I'd like), with short fades in the music while it interrupts. I've tried it with no notifications, but it's the act of receiving the data that seem to be the trigger, and it still cuts out entirely sometimes (e.g. GPS locating, receiving text)

You could also try another player, which could handle notifications in a better way. I like Astro Player for audiobooks and podcasts and CityGLo for music. Mx Player for video.
I've used win amp for years. I used it on my droid 2, droid 4 and my RAZR maxx... I've never once had the before mentioned problem with notifications.. It always stops the music, plays the notification and then restarts the music right where I left off.. I would think either you have an application interfering or you phone is just jacked up and you need to get a replacement..
I have several friends with this phone. Every one of theme raves about how great/nice the phone is. Only complaint I've heard so far is how weak the gorilla glass is..
Yea, if I had one complaint it would be the glass. I had the original Droid1 with the first edition of that Gorilla Glass. I used to take my keys to it and scratch the **** out of it and show people "look man, this stuff you can't even scratch with a key!".
Tried that with this phone? I have a tiny tiny scratch. and since then gotten a few more.
Never had even the tiniest scratch on that old D1....
I have a similar problem with my Razr HD with the sound "skipping/dropping out" It doesnt matter if Im streaming music on Sirius or the Play App. It doesnt matter if the music is being played from the phone itself. It doesnt matter if I am using wired headphones or using a bluetooth connection. The problem is present in all situations. I have had the phone replaced 2 times and all 3 of them have had this issue. I have done a reset as well as a FDR on all 3 phones, problem persists. On this last phone I did not reload any of my apps just to be sure it wasnt the cause. even right out of the box after activating the phone, I ran the Play Music app and the problem was there....Previous to these 3 Razr Hd I had a Bionic. It never did this. And to be clear, Im not talking about the volume of the music turning down due to a text/email notification. Wish I never upgraded although I did because after the JB update the bionic began to freeze up alot
I have a similar problem with my Razr HD with the sound "skipping/dropping out" It doesnt matter if Im streaming music on Sirius or the Play App. It doesnt matter if the music is being played from the phone itself. It doesnt matter if I am using wired headphones or using a bluetooth connection. The problem is present in all situations. I have had the phone replaced 2 times and all 3 of them have had this issue. I have done a reset as well as a FDR on all 3 phones, problem persists. On this last phone I did not reload any of my apps just to be sure it wasnt the cause. even right out of the box after activating the phone, I ran the Play Music app and the problem was there....Previous to these 3 Razr Hd I had a Bionic. It never did this. And to be clear, Im not talking about the volume of the music turning down due to a text/email notification. Wish I never upgraded although I did because after the JB update the bionic began to freeze up alot

Join the club
All these posts about this audio issue, not to mention the dozens of posts on other forums and boards and Motorola says its not a known problem. They offered my a Razr Maxx as my 4th replacement..thats a regular Maxx, not an HD maxx. I suspect the software and hardware are the same so to me the Maxx is a step down from the HD.....
Well, I've got my phone to a tolerable-but-still-annoying level of functionality.

I did a full-on factory reset, I use the app Clean Master to periodically clear up tasks and cache, and for local music I use the app Shuttle. It's not the best player, but it's simple and not a big drain on resources. That works pretty well, though I still have the occasional hiccup when changing cell towers or updating gps. Streaming has been improved, and more often than not now, I can do my 6-mile run without dropping the connection to my Stitcher podcast (2/3 times average).

Of course, the damn thing still occasionally crashes apps when I do complicated things like try to send a text message or click a link. But oh well.

Phone's got issues. There's nothing we can do about it. Motora can't be bothered. Next time I'm due for a change I'm moving onto something reliable.
I rarely have drop outs or pauses, but when I do, I drink...

Hey Johnny, does that............................................... ^^^ work for ya? :p
All these posts about this audio issue, not to mention the dozens of posts on other forums and boards and Motorola says its not a known problem. They offered my a Razr Maxx as my 4th replacement..thats a regular Maxx, not an HD maxx. I suspect the software and hardware are the same so to me the Maxx is a step down from the HD.....

NEVER, I repeat, NEVER take a lower model as a CLNR (Certified Like New Replacement). ONLY take either the same model or the next model higher, and insist.
Ya, I told them no thanks. The person I spoke with said they would tag the phone I just sent back to be sent in for diagnostics to try and determine the problem. For now I am just going to have to deal with this BS. I will not take a phone that is a lesser model and I will not accept another razr HD. At this point my hope is that motorola will identify/admit there is a problem at which point Verizon will be able to put my into another model. I think I am done with Motorola. I had the original droid which had to be replaced 2x, then I moved to the Bionic which I had replaced 3x and now I am on the Razr HD 3rd one...I dont care at all for the latest droid line that was just released