Sourcery ROM 2.2


I still say, instead of you going to another team, you should bring the team here. :D
Thanks for this update and ALL of the hard work everyone has put into this excellent ROM. I am sure we all hope that eventually Sourcery will be supported once again and continue to grow. Thank You
dancedroid Thanks for the update wish you give us gingerbread for our Droids. :)
Awesome work! I flashed this while I was waiting for UD 3.0 to come out and have stuck with it since. Flashed UD, within a day I was back.

from beyond the rabbit hole
Thanks G for helping keep sourcery operable and back to full magical abilities standpoint.
Regarding Sourcery rising from the ashes like the phoenix. I just don't know.
Eagle was responsible for creating a lot of the stuff that we had never seen before, just like GFlam.
I feel like Sourcery is like the greatest band ever, Led Zeppelin.
When Bonzo, Jon Bonham died they stopped for good, as without Bonzo on drums it would never be Zep. Just like without Eagle on the keyboard, it would never be sourcery.
We still have the ability to run Sourcery til the last OG dies.
Plus if GFlam joins a team, we may just have another unique ROM to run as well.
Someone once told me that when god closes a door, he opens a window.
First thing is I hate references to god.
Second is that until now I thought the window was opened to allow you to leap to your death, as the door was closed now, so what the hell was living worth..the door is closed.
But I now see it also may just have another possible interpretation, though surely less popular.
This window is a chance for one more sweet ROM to be added to our OG arsenal. It is a window not just for GFlam, but for all of us.
Mind you this window ain't the leaping outta type.

Just my opinion, though I'm sure you also used to think the door/window saying meant what I thought.

Happy flashing my flashy flashers
In that case, I look forward to Defenestrate 1.0 dancedroid

–verb (used with object), de·fen·es·trat·ed, de·fen·es·trat·ing.
to throw (a person or thing) out of a window.
I'm very sad that sourcery will no longer be supported it was 1 of my favorite roms and ran great,no other rom that I've used has so many options and choices it will be a missed,it was the best

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the community that is sourcery is full of people with answers to any questions and GFlam put all the stuff up on server so there is support.
Just no further development, which as I stated in my Led Zep post is how it should be.
I still listen to them and will till the day I die and can rock out with them as our heavenly entities jam.
And the same goes for sourcery, I'll rock this ROM till the day my OG dies.
Plus just like Zep, sourcery will never go down hill and release garbage.
We have the choice cuts always and forever.
Awesome work! I flashed this while I was waiting for UD 3.0 to come out and have stuck with it since. Flashed UD, within a day I was back.

from beyond the rabbit hole
Same here! Just as soon as I found and decided this was the best, support stops. Such a shame, as well, I think it's the best rom offering. Inasmuch, it's right out of the box-- unlike miui, for instance.
Support hasn't stopped I still check the forums numerous times a day and will continue to help anyone as well as many other users here. Development is the only thing that has stopped but like many said there's a lot in there so it should keep u guys happy until u get a new phone

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2.0 is most excellent, but I am going to try 2.2 this morning. I'll do a full wipe and see how it looks from scratch.
