Specific contact ringtones for texts


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
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I figured out how to set custom ringtones for my contacts' phone calls, but is the Droid set up to allow custom ringtones for contacts' texts?
I would like to know too. The Motorola rep at the Verizon store told me that it could be done (I asked specifically) but I cant seem to figure out how. I guess its back to the store tomorow and hope the rp is still there. If I get an answer I'll post it here!
When ChompSMS is ported over to 2.0 (for some reason its not, already sent email to dev) this program allows for this specific function.

Not sure if it is built into the Android OS itself, but if it is I haven't found it yet.
There is a program called "Tone Picker." I know this works for all text alerts, however I don't think it can be used for specific contacts.
look through your apps that you can download, I seem to remember one being in there that you could customize ringtones, text alerts and much more.
What I mean is, I want different ringtones to sound when certain people text me, the same way I can set up different ringtones for when certain people call me. So when X texts, X tone plays, but when Y texts, Y tone plays.
I contacted the developer of ChompSMS about 2.0 compatibility.

AFAIK this was the only way to do it on my G1 and 2.0 doesn't seem to have this option. I will post back if I hear anything from the developer.
I ran across one that claims to do ringtones per contact for calls and SMS. Look into Ringo Pro. I found it on androlib.com.
I got Ringo Lite and it does exactly what I needed, thanks!