Star Wars Themed Google Cardboard is FREE on Google Play Store for a Limited Time


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Update: Sorry... they are already out of stock! :(

Update 2: Some folks have had luck with constantly refreshing the order page for a few minutes, so if you want these really bad, you might give it a shot! Good luck! :D

Here's something pretty cool for Star Wars fans. Earlier in the month, Verizon was handing out FREE Star Wars: The Force Awakens themed Google Cardboard devices to folks who came in their stores for a limited time. Apparently, they had more stock than consumers who wanted them because you can now find them on the Google Play Store, also for FREE.

These are basically the same Google Cardboard VR goggles that have artwork depicting BB-8, a First Order Stormtrooper, Kylo Ren, and R2-D2.

Here's a link to grab one before they finally do run out: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cardboard - BB-8, First Order Stormtrooper, Kylo Ren, or R2-D2 - Google Store
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Snagged one myself, yay me.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
They are sold out already? Crazy.
Sold Out! Good thing I got them when Verizon had them. I picked up one of each.
Really? I never score things like this. EVER EVER.
I AM playing the lottery on the way home.

Free Turbo 2
Scored this
Yea... good week. :D
Thanks dgstorm, I just ordered one for my son.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Ugh, I tried just now and they had 2 ofthem still in stock. I went to checkout and as it was processing, it said an error occurred. So it looks like someone snagged the one I had in my cart =\
Ugh, I tried just now and they had 2 ofthem still in stock. I went to checkout and as it was processing, it said an error occurred. So it looks like someone snagged the one I had in my cart =\
That sux!
That sux!
Ya but luckily i kept refreshing and they went back in stock (atleast temporarily) and I snagged a stormtrooper one :D

For anyone trying, I suggest refreshing the page every minute or so. Seems like they'll go back in stock and sell out every few minutes, but you have to be quick or you'll get an error message while checking out.
Ya but luckily i kept refreshing and they went back in stock (atleast temporarily) and I snagged a stormtrooper one :D

For anyone trying, I suggest refreshing the page every minute or so. Seems like they'll go back in stock and sell out every few minutes, but you have to be quick or you'll get an error message while checking out.

Yes, excellent advice Dark Lazer. I kind of did the same and just snagged one also.
That is exactly what I had to do...kept going back and scored about the fifth time.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Nice! I just rolled up and grabbed a Kylo Ren, like *DAT!*.