Start Up In Recovery Every Time


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
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Hi all can anyone tell me how to get a regular reboot back? When using power key Droid X boots into recovery.will do regular reboot if I use reboot app. I have did the bootstrap alone and then the terminal emulator reboot still no big deal to just choose reboot at the window when it starts up just something that should not be happening. Thanks to all those who respond.Love the theme..

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Taking a shot in the dark. When phone is booted up go to ROM manager and press " Flash Clockword mod recovery" Then "reboot into recovery".

The only thing I can thing the recovery is corrupted and writing over the excisting may clear it.
Actually I had this same thing happen after I installed this theme. But it only booted up in Clockwork 3 times. I would hit "reboot phone now" and it would start up normally.

How many times has it happened for you? Cause mine eventually went away.

You can also use ROM Manager and hit "fix permissions." This sometimes works.
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