Static on the screen


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Jan 16, 2012
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Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo 2
Does anyone else notice little hairs and bits of fuzz being static charged to your screen?? I power the device off and wipe it clean with a screen comes back..first phone to do this..I'm thinking its because its got a plastic screen and not glass?? I have a glass screen protector on it..but it doesn't seem to matter.
First i hear of this..
I haven't gotten any static on or under my screen. Luckily not yet at least. I am usually the one that something happens to as rough as I am on phones. VZW pit the first scratches on it and I put the second but that's my only issues so far

Sent from my T2
For some stupid reason I have things sticking ..with static cling. When I first got my t2 the shatter guard was loose and moved around..probably helped to create this .I'll try wiping a static dryer sheet over it..that'll probably fix it..
Now I do have things cling to the exterior of my screen due to static. Not in-between layers though. I would have brought it to someone's attention if the shatter shield top layer was loose for sure

Sent from my T2
I didn't say inside the device. you have the same shield was loose at the bottom..I fixed it sits flush now.
O ok glad it's not in-between layers. I do have a lot stick to the exterior of my screen especially now that's its gotten cooler. A little bit of finger prints or oil from skin helps though. I got motor oil on mine from changing oil in my truck 3 days ago and that seemed to kill the static. I wouldn't suggest putting used motor oil it though haha

Sent from my T2
Yep. Everything sticks to this screen. Every piece of dust in my house sticks right to it. I agree....the new style screen is a static magnet. I still love the phone, but am constantly wiping the screen clean
I agree there @sajokaz. I can't believe the amount of dust that was able to stick to mine before the motor oil haha. Once I do a deep clean I guarantee there will be some more dust and lint to stick to it no doubt

Sent from my T2
Maybe it's due to low humidity? One of the kiddos has a plastic inflatable ball pit. Since it's been dry in the house his hair sticks up like and he looks like a human plasma ball in it. But I know the lack of humidity in the winter can cause static build up on unusual things.

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That screen would drive me crazy...
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I have always been a little OCD about keeping my phone clean, I am always wiping the screen. I love this phone, it is awesome! I would buy it again in a heartbeat. But, this new shatter shield technology does seem to attract more dust than gorilla glass. But it can survive a 900 foot a little dust is OK.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I am screen OCD as well. I don't think it would be worth it to me as I never cracked a screen on any phone I have had...
Maybe it's due to low humidity? One of the kiddos has a plastic inflatable ball pit. Since it's been dry in the house his hair sticks up like and he looks like a human plasma ball in it. But I know the lack of humidity in the winter can cause static build up on unusual things.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Around here its recommended to touch your vehicle with a naked hand before fueling due to static build up during the winter months. There were some videos on the news last winter of flash explosions where people filled kerosene cans without "grounding" first as well.

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