streaming music issues, help please


Nov 13, 2010
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I've sold my ipod to use google music on my x. I'm upgrading next week to either a razr or nexus, whenever the nexus is released if not next week. I'm looking for good sound quality in combination with my motorola roadster. Right now I'm using google music which is a great program but all sound quality makes everything sound distant and very digital and tinny. Is there anyway to improve the sound quality in the google music program, or is it the phone? Also if anybody is in the know are the newer phones any better with sound quality than my current droid x. Any help would be really appreciated as I don't want to have to buy another ipod for my music. The reason I bought the roadster was because I was tired of having cords in my car. So that's my story. Thanks.
So the Roadster sounds better when you don't use Google Music? Like, if you have an MP3 on your phone it sounds much better than through Google? If yes, this is probably because Google is reducing the bit rate to conserve bandwidth. I'm not sure about this--I haven't used Google Music. I run my own "cloud". I stream music from my home PC using DAAP. Alternatively, if you have Windows at home you'll be able to use Motorola Zumocast on your new RAZR.

Let's forget streaming for a minute. What about copying music to your phone's SD card? Ultimately, that will provide the best quality and fewest headaches. The question is how much music do you have/what are your requirements?