Swiftkey keyboard Now Available For $.94


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Having the ability to get your message out as fast as possible is one advantage the Droid has with its keyboard, but for those that like on screen keyboards... Swiftkey is no longer a beta. Swift key has become a popular keyboard over night, due to the great layout it has and the response time you get with it.
The greatest feature of this keyboard is the word prediction that it offers, with sites like Androidcentral's Jerry Hildenbrand, saying "I'm one of SwiftKey's biggest fans". The keyboard even had a record of 100,000 download just a few days after release.

SwiftKey offers intelligent next-word prediction by analysing the context of a user’s sentence and input behaviour. This is accomplished through TouchType's Fluency™ prediction engine, which employs statistical language models generated by analysing billions of words of background text.

In our tests, around a third of next words are correctly predicted without any characters being entered and roughly 80% are predicted within two or fewer character prompts.

[video=youtube;uHrTT0XAPJg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHrTT0XAPJg]YouTube - Type faster: SwiftKey vs Google Nexus One[/video]

If your interested, it is now available in the market for less than $1, which is great pricing for what you will get.

Via: AC
This looks like a great alternative for those of us who don't quite like swype or the like.
Will probably pick up for only a dollar. Used the beta for a while and the text prediction was excellent, but Swype is still faster.

I'm still waiting on BlindType...
Looks like an option since my Swype has expired and I really really dislike the stock keyboard :( Haven't found a new Swype leak and don't see the beta being reopened anytime soon.

Will give it a try!
Looks like an option since my Swype has expired and I really really dislike the stock keyboard :( Haven't found a new Swype leak and don't see the beta being reopened anytime soon.

Will give it a try!

You should have received an e-mail to update your Swype. I received 2 e-mails saying there was an udate for the beta.
I like this keyboard better than stock but I've noticed it is somewhat difficult to get the keyboard to open on some websites (fishtext.com for example). Other than that, I really like this keyboard. I've written entire text messages via the predictions (says something about me I guess...) - need to be more original!
I'll have to check it out...but there is a swype alternative called ShapeWriter (not sure if it's still on the market?) that does what swype does...I just started playing with it again since a coworker showed me her Droid X with Swype...it's not too bad...but I have a hard time sliding to spell words..just my clumsiness...not the programs!
the guy typing on the android keyboard was unbearably bad at it, its not a very good example of what either of those keyboards are able to do. when i used swift key i personally found it annoying.
Keyboard has one HUGE fault, can't add words to dictionary. So you have to use the correction bar to select every word it doesn't think is a word....
I just download it, I really dig the the new keyboard.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I am a big fan of the word prediction. It does an awesome job, also I like the 3 words and how easy they are to select as opposed to the way the D1 and D2 keyboards list lots words and don't always select when touched. I have been using the beta off and on for a while I have 2 issues.
When using email or text it does not seem to connect to my contacts to proputlate the "To:" field. Does anybody know if this has been fixed in the offical release?

Also I find that the D2 keyboard I side loaded on my D1 seems to be more accurate to the touch and reacts quicker. If I could only combine that keyboard with the SwiftKey prediction I would be real happy.

Hmm..So I went ahead and purchased the Full Swiftkey and uninstalled the beta version...and now when I type (Im, ill, cant) it DOES NOT automatically add the apostrophe... in beta it did. I'll hold on to it and see if an update fixes the issue.

super annoying.

Going to check out this "swype" everyones buzzing about...