Tell Me Why I Should Root My Phone


Apr 10, 2011
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I'm no new me to technology, I work in IT. So I'm not afraid I'm doing things differently.

I haven't run into any reason to root my phone, however I'm curious as to what adantages it may bring me.

Plus I simply just want to play with it and get more familiar with the inner workings.

Everyone has a different reason to root. As someone who works in IT, I'm sure you know what advantages there are to having admin privileges.

The reasons I root:
1. Tether (though not necessary anymore)
2. Root apps; Titanium Backup, Adblock, & Greenify just to name a few further enhance the Android experience.
3. Get rid of bloatware.

There's a few other reasons, but those are the main ones for me. Could I enjoy an Android phone without root? I'm sure I could, I am running stock rooted after all, but I think the little tweaks I do make Android an even more enjoyable experience.
I work in IT too. Certainly that was a rhetorical question, right? "What advantages does it bring you"? All I have to say is "admin privs". Use your imagination.
Would you want to be a Power User or an Administrator on your PC?

I use Adaway TBU and I like to use Xposed modules, to use those you need root access.
I'm a fan of rooting. BUT, if you are perfectly satisfied with what you have leave it alone.