Text Color Change (Complete how to do)

I get this with power cmd::::::::::::::>c:\>java -jar colorChangev3.jar
Error: could not open `C:\Windows\jre\lib\i386\jvm.cfg'

Using windows command I works just fine, so what do I have to do to make power command work, also smali and baksmali work with power cmd, just having issues with colorchanger.jar for some reason.
so why does my status_bar_expanded.xml only have one 08 00 00 1C ? its supposed to have 3 correct? and status_bar.xml only has two ... im trying to change,,, see picture,,, whites back to blacks and clear button back to black...
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so why does my status_bar_expanded.xml only have one 08 00 00 1C ? its supposed to have 3 correct? and status_bar.xml only has two ... im trying to change,,, see picture,,, whites back to blacks and clear button back to black...
Those two things you are trying to change is in the GB ROM's framework-res styles xml... text appearance eventcontent and eventcontent title...
as for the clear button text, that is in your systemui.apk, in that xml you mentioned...
so why does my status_bar_expanded.xml only have one 08 00 00 1C ? its supposed to have 3 correct? and status_bar.xml only has two ... im trying to change,,, see picture,,, whites back to blacks and clear button back to black...

And as for why, when you use a Hex editor, and search for the string '08 00 00 1C' you only get one or another, that'd be because that particular XML is written with only the one actual hex color code, all the other color(s) is being pointed to something other than an actual color code...something like
instead of
hahahaha... I see, you are working with your own ROM... but your ROM is initially black text in those areas, so you couldn't remember how you turned it white??
No I totally do but ok I started changing them back to 00 00 00 00 and they disappeared. I guess waht I'll do is start new and change them and the xmls one at a time. I kinda just was wondering if anyone kknew which codes they were excatly to save me some work. :)

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well i figured out that lol 08 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FF ... found em all... lol der
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