Text Color Change (Complete how to do)

i wanna know what is up with the new aosp why i cant change framework values, i mean i can all goes well until the flash. then it is black screen hell

i am talking about framework/framwork-res.apk/res/values/styles.xml
and policy.jar for network color they both gimme a black screen
If I had a standard compilable framework I could get it done. My problem is, the ROM maker put's those dang .9.png files in there without the guides and I can't compile the stupid thing. So I am left just using a hex editor to adjust the colors of the xml's and then just merging them back into the ROM.
As far as jar files go.. like I said.. the -v4 ROM's won;t allow me to do jack crap. I love BB because all my .jar edits work fine.
And.. jasonppp.. your themed versions of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are a big hit for people. Thanks for that!
np and i seen you did a version yourself black gold i think good job but i seen facebook had an update the other day
If I had a standard compilable framework I could get it done. My problem is, the ROM maker put's those dang .9.png files in there without the guides and I can't compile the stupid thing. So I am left just using a hex editor to adjust the colors of the xml's and then just merging them back into the ROM.

i can send you a stock framework you are more then welcome to try it is for my rom. i can mod some just not all that i want to mod i have a themed version up if you wanted to try out you will be able to see what i am tring to change
Xkape...if u swap out all the pngs from drawable land and drawable hdpi with a stock frame work like shadow roms you will then be able to decompile...make your xml edits...then recompile. Then you can put the original pngs back...just a little work around I've found to work for that issue
Yeah I tried but I must be doing something wrong. I dnno. jasonppp.. I'd be willing to help.
that doesnt open anything... it just gives me usage:

C:\>java -jar colorChangev3.jar

** Color Changer v3.1 (ALL YOUR VERSIONS ARE BELONG TO US) by Ohsaka **

java -Xmx512M -jar colorChangev3.jar <theme.zip> [colorLabels ...] [debug] [zipD
ebug] [goFull]

< > means required, [ ] means optional
<theme.zip> - Android theme update file (not a full ROM update)
[ticker] - ARGB color for ticker notifications on the status bar
[clock] - ARGB color for the clock text
[date] - ARGB color for the date
[ongoing] - ARGB color for "Ongoing" Label
[latest] - ARGB color for "Notifications" Label
[none] - ARGB color for "No Notifications" Label
[clear] - ARGB color for text on Clear Notifications button
[network] - ARGB color for network name (T-Mobile usually)
[roam] - Not sure where this color shows up, possibly network name when

Progress Bar Color Change (Must specify BOTH at once)
[progressBarBackground] - Progress bars background color
[progressBarForeground] - Progress bars foreground color

[debug] - Turns on debugging output
[zipDebug] - Turns on zip debugging output
[goFull] - Force updater to process a full rom instead of just templates

Example 1) java -Xmx512M -jar colorChangev3.jar themeXYZ.zip ticker=FFFF0000 dat
e=FFFF0000 clock=FFFF0000
This will change ticker, date, and clock to red

Example 2) java -Xmx512M -jar colorChangev3.jar themeXYZ.zip clear=FFFFFFFF netw
This will change the clear notifications button text to white and networ
k name (usually T-Mobile) to blue
Example 3) java -Xmx512M -jar colorChangev3.jar themeXYZ.zip clear=FFFFFFFF netw
ork=FF0000FF debug zipDebug
Same as example 2 but with debug and zipDebug turned on

tgwaste.. now if you created a famework folder on your desktop and then put services.jar and framework-res.apk in it and then zipped it up all you need to do to..say change the clock color to red would be to type java -Xmx512M -jar colorChangev3.jar c:\users\yourname\desktop\framework.zip clock=FFBC1010 gofull

That would do it.
I figured it out and made a neat little .bat script:


o edit the script
o edit these paths:

set DOC=C:\DOCUME~1\ted\Desktop <- leave this as the desktop just change your username
set ZIP=C:\progra~1\WinRAR\WinRaR.exe
set CCH=c:\android\colorChangev3.jar

then you can put this script into ANY directory that contains:

and run it. the result will be a new directory called: framework-new containing those two files, altered.

lemmie know if its useful. does a lot of stuff for you.. moves things to desktop, cleans up, etc...
@thebowers or anyone that may know, what do I modify to change the color of the text in this menu?


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