Text Message Help


New Member
Feb 1, 2010
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I love my Droid the only problem I am having is with the text messaging. My friends and I often communicate through group texts and with the way the texts are stored with each person's messages grouped together, it is very difficult to follow the flow of the conversation.

Is there any way to change or any app to download that will have a more traditional text format so that messages come in and are stored chronologically instead of grouped by sender? Also, replying to all would be nice.

I love my Droid the only problem I am having is with the text messaging. My friends and I often communicate through group texts and with the way the texts are stored with each person's messages grouped together, it is very difficult to follow the flow of the conversation.

Is there any way to change or any app to download that will have a more traditional text format so that messages come in and are stored chronologically instead of grouped by sender? Also, replying to all would be nice.


I know that Handcent and ChompSMS both allow quick and easy messagin TO a group. I don't, however know if either of them allow you to group messages chronologically instead of by sender.

I KNOW that Chomp won't now that I think about it. I only used it for a while, but I was ALL OVER the settings, and definitely didn't see an option for that. Give Handcent a try.

Please let me know if it allows you to do what you're trying to do!
thanks for the reply..tried handcent last night with no luck. the search goes on....
Well, I mean...the stock messaging app shows things in chronological order in which they were received...Just grouped by name...Maybe it'll just take some getting used to?

[I personally LOVE the chat-style messaging, but like I said, I don't do a lot of group-messaging and certainly don't get lots of replies when I do.]

Best of luck!

If you happen to find something that does what you need, be sure to update in this thread in case anyone else has the same issue!