text to speech


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
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I’m a previous iPhone user, one feature of the iPhone I really need on the android is “text to speech”. On the iPhone when text highlight (as if to copy) in any app, next to the copy/cut icon would also appear a speak icon. I know there is something in accessibility but what I noticed it speaks everything, I don't want to speak everything just what I highlight in the app. I don't mind if I have to buy an app to do this.
I believe that is one of the "Apple" patents and no one else can utilize that exact feature.... I know there are some apps that you can paste stuff into and it will narrate it for you but as far as I know it's not available as an option with the copy menu....
Just out of curiosity, but what is a good use for this feature? To help pronounce words or something?

Also you can try a different keyboard, maybe they'll have something similar that won't violate a patent...
i want to have voice prompt in my android app.., i have used the text to speech program for this, that program will take user input in the form of edit text and then speak out that text, i want to use that program for voice prompt like when the time is set it will speak out this phrase " your time is set to" and the new time which is set by time picker like 08:00,so it should speak like "your time is set to 8 o' clock" can anybody help me out in this please ??
Hi, here is how I get the Kindle App On Android (my Asus Nexus 7) To Read Out Loud To Me. This is a great time saver and means you can listen and read along at the same time or listen whilst travelling. Here is the link to the short YouTube video I did last week.