The Bionic was the worst phone i have had since the Palm Pre.

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Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
OMG where do i start. i HAD to get rid of this POS. im waiting for my iphone 4s to come, but in the meantime i traded the bionic for a blackberry 9930.

-4g connection SUCKS. thunderbolt was way more reliable.

-switching from 3g back to 4g NEVER happens.

-battery.....meh...its ok.

-random reboots

-disappearing apps. they would just uninstall themselves.

-sometimes wouldnt wake up from sleep mode, totally unresponsive, required battery pull EVERY time.

-camera COMPLETELY blows. 8mp of blurriness and crap color. (i know its a phone first, but still)

-gallery app SUCKS. i just want to see my photos. not all my friends facebook photos.

-music app is a joke.

-camera is super slow to take pictures.

-keyboard is HORRENDOUS. constant mistakes. and if the phone is charging it gets WORSE. you hit the letter "o" and it thinks you hit "b" or it double and triple enters whatever letter you pressed.

i have owned the original droid, droid incredible, droid X, thunderbolt, iphone 4. This Bionic is by far the WORST phone ever. it completely sucks. its not good at any single task.

Sorry to hear that, but there are several apps to replace stock and with the extended battery it lasts longer. The disappearing apps problem will hopefully be fixed with the update (as well as the "Black Screen of Death," but it looks like the problem is when the app is moved to the sd card.

I take it you'll be leaving us; sorry to see you go.
This is what you get for being an early adopter. I have confidence that motorola will iron out most of the bugs in the updates they roll out. However we me be stuck with the shotty camera, im not sure how they could fix it especially the slow slow shutter speed. Never discount what the devs can do. The th3oryrom team is allrrady making my experience more enjoyable, and soon they will have deblurred roms which will help as well. Considering the issues this phone has i will be hanging on to it.

That says alot that you were willing to deal with a blackberry. There will be no saving you lol.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
the funny thing is, none of us actually care..... oh wait, it's not funny, it's sad that you think we do,

I'm sure you're 3G iphone POS will be completely comparable.

different strokes I gues
I remember my first beer.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
the funny thing is, none of us actually care..... oh wait, it's not funny, it's sad that you think we do,

I'm sure you're 3G iphone POS will be completely comparable.

different strokes I gues

why so hostile? you mad bro? lol

i was simply giving my reasons for hating the phone.

the phone sucks. i gave it a fair chance, and it blows. i love the droid phones. but it seems motorola didn't do enough testing with this phone.

i dont care about 4g right now. i dont keep any phone long enough to give a crap whether the 4s has 4g.

iphone's build quality stomps any droid ever built, except maybe the OG droid, that thing was a tank.

anyone that denies iOS is a smoother more bug free os, is just close minded or blind. or has never used an iphone.

yes i can customize more with the android system. but in the end who cares? im not 16.

also my post is just a warning to others. if you want a droid phone, thats great. DONT BUY A BIONIC. buy a thunderbolt. or some other android phone.

Bionic is full of fail.
and the camera ABSOLUTELY sucks. no one else seems to deny that. its grainy, the color sucks, focus doesnt work all the time. the incredible's camera was amazing, so was the thunderbolt.
Silly troll i had a thunderbolt and it blew hard! My bionic is a breath of fresh air compared to the tbolt. I remember my first beer.

Haters gon' hate
I remember my first beer.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

I remember my first beer.

Haters gon' hate

seriously how many times are you gonna use the "my first beer" line? it sucks. get a new joke. and it doesnt make sense in this context because ive owned literally every droid that has come out.

i bet you never rooted your thunderbolt to sense 3.0. ............that sucks. you missed out big time.

AND you joined this month? lol. this is probably "your first beer" no wonder you remember it so vividly noob.
ya know. the only issues i have seen so far is the apps vanishing also. but the solution to that was just not move them. duh... ya know what is even better. 3 guys at work got the new 4s phones. and they have already had to have them replaced. hahahahahahahaha..... so he will just have apple problems now. lol.....
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